15: Anger

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After the talk he had with Professor Wasgington and Jefferson, Alexander was released without penalty. Jefferson had done more visible harm to Alex than the latter did to him. Alex was tired, and just wanted to get back to his dorm to cuddle with John.

On his way back, he realized him and John hadn't made anything official. He thought on different ways to ask John to be his boyfriend, and figured he'd have to ask soon if they were to take custody of the twins. He finally made it back to the dorm.

Slamming open the door, Alexander barged in, throwing his bag onto his bed before flopping onto the couch.

"What happened to you?" John asked.

"Jefferson. Came back from France, apparently." Alex rolled over and plopped his head onto John's arm, looking up at him with loving eyes. "I beat him up. Well, we got in a fight and beat each other up. In case you couldn't tell by my face."

John wasn't surprised that Alex had gotten into a fight. If John wasn't such a goody two shoes when it came to academics, he'd have punched Jefferson's face at every given chance. Alexander was fuming, and had been ranting to John, who wasn't paying attention.

"John! You don't even know what I was talking about! You could have at least done a better job at pretending to listen to me."

"I was thinking about stuff, I'm sorry, Alexander. Here, if you want to rant from the start, I'll listen." John offered.

"No! You'll just refuse to even listen again, so I'm just going to go to bed. Good night."

And that was John and Alexander's first argument.

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