26: Leaves and a New Girl

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"Can you fucking believe Jefferson? He's so stuck up, he thinks he owns the world!" Alex ranted. He had a rough day in law, and was using John for moral support.

"It is kinda ridiculous, isn't it?"

"It's not kinda ridiculous! It's absolutely ridiculous!" Alexander exclaimed. "He just prances in, twenty minutes late, talks shit to Washington, then proceeds to talk throughout the entire class!"

"I'm sorry, baby. Will going out make you feel better?"

"Not really." Alex pouted.

"C'mon, let's go to the park!" John grabbed Alex's arm, dragging him to the apartment door, tossing him his coat and shoes.


When they got to the park, Alex immediately ran to a tall oak tree.

"Look at this tree! Isn't it gorgeous?" He walked around the trunk, examining it.

"Since when were you into trees?" John laughed.

"I dunno. Ooo, look! Leaf piles!" He grabbed John's wrist, pulling him to one of the piles. Alex loosened his grip on his wrist, giving John the chance to push him into the leaves.

"You bitch!" Alex gasped. John laughed, but immediately stopped once he was pulled into the pile as well.

"This isn't fair!" John exclaimed. His partner giggled, then pulled him into a kiss. It was passionate, and quite inappropriate for the situation, but neither cared. When John pulled back for air, he grinned at Alex.

"That was interesting." Alex laughed, and the pair clambered out of the leaves, picking off ones that were stuck to their clothing. They walked back to the apartments hand in hand. When they entered the building, they heard yelling from one if the first floor rooms. Alex looked at John, and they both made their way to the apartment.

"No, James, this isn't right! I'm not helping you!" A female.

"Well- I don't- leave!" A male voice. The two couldn't quite hear him, but the door swung open, revealing a man with dark hair. He pushed past them aggressively. Alex looked into the apartment, seeing a woman with loose, dark curly hair. She turned, and he saw her deep eyes.

"What are you doing?" She snapped.

"Do you need help? Are you okay?" John followed Alex into the apartment.

"Yes. I don't need your help." She looked away.

"I'm Alexander. This is my boyf- best friend, John." She looked at them.

"I'm not homophobic. I'm gay myself. Name's Maria."


Meggy or Marliza??

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