8: A Schuyler Sleepover Party, pt 2

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John groaned, as did Eliza and Angelica.

"Peggy, we do this game every time!" Eliza tried to reason.

"But jOhN hasn't been to one, so we have to play!" Peggy said. "Are you innocent?" She asked John.

"Bitch, I ain't innocent, believe what you want, but no. I am not a pure bean."

"Good! Let's get started! Angie, you start us off."

With a sigh, Angelica turned to us.

"Laf, I dare you to-"
"-Non, you ask 'dare or dare'"
"Oh my God, Laf, dare or dare?"
"I dare you to play the rest of the game naked."

Mulligan laughed as Lafayette stripped, red in the face. He grabbed a pillow.

"Um.. mon ami..Alexandre, I dare you to give John hickeys. On the neck."

John felt his face get warm as everyone made 'Ooo' noises and teased the two. Alex pulled him into the bathroom.

Alex's Direct POV

I grabbed John's hand, dragging him to the bathroom behind me. I locked the door, pushing him against it lightly. Our faces were close.

"You okay with this, Judy?" I whispered.

He nodded, blushing harder.

I carefully pressed my lips to the spot right under his jawline, and next to his ear. I lightly sucked. He whimpered, shifting under me. I nibbled on the spot a tiny bit, getting a slight louder sound.

I moved to the left side of his neck, sucking on a random spot, a bit harsher than before. He mewled, but seemed okay with the arrangement. I pulled back to give him another hickey. I saw the first one purpling. Perfect.

He looked me in the eye.

"Please continue, Lexi~" he whispered.

I gave him a slight smirk, and carefully attacked a spot near his collarbone, him moaning a bit louder. This turned me on, him making those noises under me. I looked at him again, and then leaned in to kiss his lips.


I looked at John, who let out a breath, softly pushing me off him, and unlocked the door. Peggy gasped. And then burst out laughing as she made her way to the main, John and I following. The rest of the gang joined in on the laughter as we sat down. John looked upset, so I grabbed his sleeve, giving it a tug. He looked at me, and I motioned for him to sit near me. He ended up resting his head on my shoulder.

"Shut up, dipshits. Mulligan, I dare you to suck off Laf under a blanket in the far corner of the hallway." I pointed to my left.

They both paled. And then turned red.

The rest of the night went like that, immature dares like that were made. However, John and I weren't forced to do anything like the hickey deal again. At around one in the morning, people started drifting off. I took this chance to talk with John.

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