18: It Hurts

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John's POV      ⚠️

The words that had escaped Alexander's mind and been verbalized scarred John. They hurt. He cried, sinking to the floor, his back against the fridge door. He sat and sobbed for hours, until the voices were too much. He slowly got up, and walked to the bathroom. He turned on the light and locked the door, opening the drawers. He searched through them all, looking for one thing. Ah, there it is.

A blade.

He took it out, feeling a bit victorious over the depressed and anxious thoughts. He held it up to his arm, and took a deep breath. The blade made contact, giving his arm a nice, red cut. He did it over and over again, until he noticed how much blood was pouring out of his arms. He slowly banged on the door, hoping to get Alexander's attention. He sank to the ground, unconscious.

Alex's POV

Alexander had been writing nonstop for hours before he heard pounding on a door. He walked into the main room, trying to locate the noise. He noticed the bathroom light on under the door, and walked over. He jiggled the door knob.

He tried to pick the lock, but gave up. He kicked at the door, and after a while, Alexander kicked a hole into it. He kicked around the hole, making it big enough so he could get through. And when he made it into the bathroom, his stomach dropped.

His beautiful John, his perfect, stunning John, was lying in a pool of blood that seemed to originate from his arms.

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