21: New Place

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After their nap, John and Alexander finished packing boxes into John's car, now prepared to take them to the new apartment. Alex was excited to be living with John and not having to deal with stupid dorm neighbours. Now they'd have old ladies and grumpy men next door. In his opinion, it was better than high college students.

They hopped into the car, John slowly buckling his seat belt.

"You sure we got everything?"

"Yeah, and we can come back to triple check tomorrow, since we aren't checked out until Saturday." Alex gave John's hand a squeeze. "Alright."

The twenty minute car ride was spent singing along to Beatles and AC/DC, both singing along horribly. A Beatles song came on, and Alex turned the volume up.

"This is my jam, man!" He exclaimed, tapping his fingers to the beat on his leg.

"This is a slower song, Lex, you sound stupid!" John laughed.

"Whatever, you know you love it."


Alexander excitedly opened the door, rushing into the apartment. He turned back around to look at John.

"The twins are going to love it!"

"Yeah, and it looks so much better now that the old guy's shit is out of here." John went to the car and grabbed some boxes, taking them back into the complex, passing Alex on the way. They brought all of the boxes from the car inside, but only got around to unpacking a quarter of them.

The essentials had been unpacked, kitchen utensils, bed sheets, an air mattress, and bathroom items. John had set up the air mattress in the master bedroom while Alex was in the shower, and Alex worked on putting the packed boxes in the right rooms when John was showering.

Alex got a text when the two were lying in bed.

Lizard: we aren't having a baby shower, but Pegs and Angie want to go shopping with us for baby clothes tomorrow. Sound good?

Coffee: sounds perfect. John and I will be there. He's been excited to go clothes shopping. What time?

Lizard: maybe three-ish?

Coffee: perfect, sleep good

Lizard: you too!

"Jude, we're going shopping for baby clothes with the Schuylers tomorrow afternoon, so I guess in the morning we'll go to the dorm?" Alex saw John grin at the mention of shopping.

"Alright, that sounds good. Night, Lexi."

"Night, Jude."

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