31: Home

91 9 5

John's Direct POV

Life with the twins at home has been hell. Don't get me wrong, Alex and I love them both, it's just the fact that they won't stop crying. One starts, the other does as well. I've been losing sleep, and Lex doesn't sleep at all anymore.

He's coming up on the end of his college days, as I started rooming with him late. I'm thinking about dropping out to take better care of Pip and Lily.

I walk to the crib, and see Holly lying in it. She's sleeping, her eyes shut gently. Her little freckles are splattered on her cheeks, a cute little smile tugging at her lips. I turn to Philip's crib, and the baby with dark hair stares up at me, awake.

"Hey, little man, you wanna come and hang with Papa and I?" I cooed, picking him up. He giggled, squirming in my arms. I walked over to the couch where Alexander was stationed, plopping down next to him.

"Your kid won't sleep."

He looked at me, trying not to laugh.

"That's not even biologically my kid." He gently took Pip from my arms, lying him in his own. I looked up at him, his gorgeous eyes trained on our baby. He caught my eye, cracking a grin at me.

"See something you like?" He chuckled.

"Yep, my boyfriend cuddling one of our babies." I smiled at him, resting my head on his shoulder, fixing Philip's shirt.

"I love you."


This one is short, but there is a reason why.

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