30: Perfection

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"Oh my God, they're perfect!" John squealed. He was in absolute awe of the twin babies that had been introduced to the world mere hours before. They were in the NICU, but only for a few days. The girl was smaller than the boy, and had little freckles that splattered across her cheeks. The boy had a dark mop of hair on the top of his head, though it was thin.

Alexander couldn't believe that the two babies he and John were to take care of were here, in front of him.

"Look at Holly, she looks like you!" He said, poking John's side.

"And I can already tell Philip is gonna be just like you!" John said, poking Alex back. They retreated back to Eliza, who was doing okay after the c-section.

"They're perfect, Eliza. You sure you don't want custody?"

"Oh, I'm sure. I'll just be Aunt Eliza." She chuckled.


"Hey Lizzie! How are you feeling today?" John asked, walking into her room.

"Alright. They won't let me go and visit the kids, which is upsetting. How are they?" She shot a lazy smile at the man.

"They're the most adorable things I've ever seen. Alex has been gushing about them nonstop! It's endearing to see him so excited about it." John sat down in the chair next to Eliza's bed.

"That's fantastic, John. I'm so thankful for the two of you." She grabbed his hand. "You didn't have to take them, you know. I could've just quit college."

"No, Eliza, you need your education. You have a bright future."


"Absolutely, Liz. I love you so much, alright? It isn't a burden to Alexander and I to take the twins." I squeezed her hand gently, and she smiled at me.

"I love you too, John, in the most platonic way possible."

"Good, 'cause I'm gay."

"John, I think...I think I might be too." Eliza blushed.

"Really? Like, full on lesbian? Or bi, or pan, or what?"

"I think...bi or pan. Definitely not ace or aro."

"Lizzie, that's great. I'm so proud of you."


Obviously, I would name the boy Philip. I named the girl Holly to change it from the typical Eliza or Angelica and prevent confusion. The historical Hamiltons had a daughter named Eliza Hamilton Holly, hence the name Holly.

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