22: Shopping

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Alex woke to the smell of coffee. He immediately jumped out of bed, stumbling to the kitchen. He saw John there, making breakfast. He went to the bar, grabbing the coffee and downing half of it.

"Good morning to you, too." John flipped an egg. Alex grunted in response.

John set the eggs on a plate in front of Alex, sitting down next to him.

"Eat up." Alex poked at the eggs, eating a few bites before giving the rest to John.

"You aren't eating more?" Worry laced John's voice.

"Nah, I wanna hurry and get dressed so we can get to the dorm early."



After the uneventful trip to their dorm, the pair went to the diner. Alex didn't eat much of anything, which worried John a bit. He seemed fine, but who knew what was going on in Alexander's mind.

The two walked around the shopping centre for a bit, early for the shopping date with the Schuylers. Eventually, they got a text from the sisters saying they were at the store, and they made their way over there.

"Hey!" Peggy ran up to them as they entered. "Hi, Peggy!"

The peppy yellow girl walked them through the store, weaving through the aisles until they found Eliza and Angie. Eliza was definitely showing at over five months, and was wearing a pale blue dress that showed off her bump. Angie was wearing a red crop top with black jeans, and Peggy was wearing a yellow sweatshirt with grey shorts.

"Looking good, Liza! How are the twins treating ya?" John waltzed over to Eliza, and the two talked.

"Angie, how is she really doing?" Alex asked. He had been concerned about how the pregnancy was going.

"I'm not sure. She's been very closed off, but she went to get an ultrasound two days ago and they look fine."

"That's good."

"Hey, do you and John have names picked out?" Peggy questioned, pulling a onesie off a rack.

"Heh...yeah, a few. We're pretty solid on the boy name, and the girl name is still being thought on." Alex grabbed a different onesie, looking at the price.

"What's the boy name?"

"The middle name is James."

"Aww, you aren't gonna tell me?"

"Nope. Strictly confidential."


I have names picked out

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