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The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical records. All characters seen in the story are either purely fictional or members of the group 'Stray Kids', trademarked by JYP Entertainment. Please mark that the characters of this story are purely fictional, and are not to be associated with the real life people they are based off of. Some of the OC's are owned by other people/authorities. Other characters are just extras that some might find familiar, but this is purely coincidental. Technical drawings done for this fanfiction are made purposely made for better visualization of the story, and are not to be associated with real-life objects or people.

The fictional story is owned and copyrighted by the author.


Im running down the field. The ball is coming straight towards me. My eyes lock on the ball, and refuse to let go. My heart is pounding. Harder and faster than ever before. It feels like everything in the world just suddenly stoppes.

Sweat is running down my forehead as my feet leave the football field. As im soaring through the air i can feel the wind brushing against my stomach and my t-shirt slightly lifting up, revealing my perfectly tanned body to the world. Everything is quiet. It's so peaceful. I feel so free. Locked away inside of my concentraited brain i can hear the faint sound of something beeping.

As my mind pick up the faint sound, and slowly brings it to my reality, my body tenses up. I can feel the hate run through my veins. The anger rushing towards my eyes as they open up. Im sure you all know the feeling.

I reach over to my nightstand and pick up my phone. "07.00". Its time to get in the shower, and get ready for school. I throw my covers off and sit up straight inn my bed. I can still feel the presence of my irritation towards my alarm. It's the one thing in the world, that actually makes me seriously consider thowing my phone off a cliff.

A big yawn leaves my mouth as i sit on the side of my bed, feeling slightly less annoyed by the minute. I rub my eyes dangerously hard in an attempt to wake up causing my visison to get blury. It takes me a few seconds to regain my sight, but once i do, theres no reason to stay in bed, so i stand up, prepearing myself mentally for my first day as a Junior in Highschool.


As i walk through the gates of the campus, i eagerly look around, searching for my best friend. He's nowhere within sight. A groan leaves my mouth, as i take a step forward.

"I can't believe he's late" i wisper under my breath.

I take a few more steps before i feel my backpack beeing grabbed, and pulled down. The adrenaline rushes through my body, and i let out a small scream. Not the kind of scream that everyone hears, but the sweet, small, cute little kind a dog makes when it wants something, but isn't allowed to bark. My backpack is released, and i turn around.

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