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CHAN pov.

[Time skip: 2 weeks]

We were all gathered in my office, everybody doing their assigned tasks. I sat with Changbin by my desk as we tried hacking into Exo's network.

Felix and Woojin were making a list over all the necessary equipment we needed to buy for our future mission. Hyunjin and Minho were contacting other gangs, telling them about our situation, and Jisung were hacking into y/n's phone, trying to locate it.

Even though we had tried everything a million times, we still didn't give up. We tried everything again and again, without getting any different outcomes. But we didn't give up.

Seungmin sat in the corner, crying, as Jeongin was doing his best to comfort him. Neither of the two boys had been acting like themselves lately. Seungmin had blocked out all the others from his life, and spent most of his time in bed.

Jeongin spent all his nights in Felix's bed, as he wasn't able to sleep on his own. He had become really depressed lately, and had lost the ability to cheer up others.

Loosing y/n had influenced all of us, but we had to keep it together if we wanted her back alive. Everybody seemed effected, as none of us really talked to each other, or smiled at each other anymore.

After no luck in hacking into Exo's database, I desided to try and contact the kidnapper through y/n's phone again.



Hey, we need to talk
I know you can see me texting
Just answer for God's sakes

What u want?
I'm busy torturing your gf.

Don't you dare touch her!
I just want u to answer some simple questions

I'll consider it

Why take Y/n?
You could have taken anyone of us
She's not in the gang

It seemed more poetic taking her
Despites, she's hot

What did you do to her?

Nothing much.....


Changbin cough my attention, as he walked over to me, taking a seat next to me, handing me a map. He had marked out several locations on the map. I looked up, and met his clever, cocky smirk.

"You did it?" I asked

He nodded slowly. I felt my face light up, as a slight smile spread across my face. I locked eyes with the screen before me, once again, as an idea had crept upon my face.



What are your conditions for handing her back over to us, alive?

10 million dollars in cash by midnight.

I think I can arrange that.
But I need proof that she's alive. Let me hear her voice.


My phone started vibrating as y/n's caller ID popped up on my phone. I quickly told everybody to shut up, as I answered the phone.


"Hey, Chan. How's Seungmin doing? Has he killed himself yet?" The man on the other end laughed lightly as he spoke.

His voice sounded unnaturally positive.

"Let me talk to her" My voice sounded colder than ever.

"Gee.... Fine, just let me remove the fabric."

The man removed the fabric from over y/n's mouth, and placed the phone in her face. I could hear her breathing heavily, as soft sobs made their way out of her mouth.

"Chan?" She spoke silently, almost as if she was afraid of speaking.

"Oh my God, y/n. Are you OK?"

"I'm still alive. That's enough for now I guess." The man let out a laugh, as    y/n finished her sentence.

The sound of a horn could be heared, eccoing through the room y/n was in. I looked up from the phone screen, as my eyes met with Changbin's.

Changbin had a clever smirk on his face as he looked at the map in front of us. Changbin signalized for me to put the phone up to my ear. I slowly lifted the phone to my ear, listening closely.

The sound of seagulls screaming came out of my phone's speaker, just loud enough for me to pick up the sound.

The person on the other end hung up the phone. I guess he caught up on our actions.

I turned to Changbin who sat there with a questioning look on his face.

"Seagulls" I said, as I scratched the back of my neck.

I wasn't sure if it would help him in any way, but it was all I had. His face lit up, as he turned back to the map, drawing a sircle around one of the locations on the map.

"Guys. We're getting y/n back."

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