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We just stood there, looking at eachother. It felt like an eternity. I could see the look on his face. His clean, pale skin lit up the room. His Bright red hair folded perfectly Down his forehead. His soft pink lips, hiding away his Perfect set of teeth. My eyes glued themselves to him, and I couldn't take them of him, I just couldn't.

The dark, deep voice of Felix finally pulled me out of the trance I had been put into, as he said

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The dark, deep voice of Felix finally pulled me out of the trance I had been put into, as he said.

"Oh right, you havent met Seungmin and Woojin yet. Guys, mabye you should go introduce yourselves?"

They both stood up, and came walking over towards me. My Whole body screamed as he walked towards me. I wanted to run. Run away, to keep myself from doing anything stupid, or screwing up my first meet With him, but I was totally paralyzed. My eyes stayed on him, as he walked over to me, getting closer by the second.

"Hi, i'm Seungmin." He said.

His voice weren't deep, nor light, but DAMN I have never been more attracted to Someone's voice before. His smile melted my heart. LITTERALLY! He reached out his hand to shake mine. I softly placed my hand insode of his, and looked up, only to meet the same eyes I had drowned in once before. This boy was designed only to kill me. I could feel it!

"Yeah, i'll try again later. Kinda looks like the two of you have something going on. Im Woojin by the way." Woojin said, before returning to his seat.

Seungmin's hand let go of mine as he turned around. I looked at the other boys sitting in the couch. There they all sat, staring at me and Seungmin.

Strangers ~ Seungmin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now