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I woke up to the sound of my phone. But it wasn't my alarm, i was getting messages.

Hey, babe
It's me
Kim Seungmin
Félix gave me your number
I hope that's ok
Actually he gave it away to everyone so.....
Expect a lot of texts
I just wanted to say good morning to my beautiful girlfriend
Good morning baby! <3
I hope I'll see you today at SKZ

You changed Unknown's name to Minnie<3

Heyy Minnie
Good morning to you too
I'll Try and come by after school<3

I rushed through my daily routine before running off to school. [...] The minute I stepped inside the school building the bell rang, and I hurried away to my first period. I stepped inside the classroom, where I found my 3 friends awaiting me.

"You took longer than usual today. Did Seungmin stop by last night?" Félix questioned with a wink.

"Gross, no. I just overslept" I answered, slightly annoyed.

"Sure. Yeah we'd believe that after how the two of you acted yesterday. Groped eachoter left and right" Minho stated, witch earned him a death glare from me.

I turned my attention to the front of the classroom as the teacher entered and started the lecture.


After school was finished we left the school grounds together, and headed for the SKZ house to meet up with the others. While walking there we talked about witch teachers hated us the most and why. It turned out pretty funny when Jeongin told he had kicked his teacher in her private area during p.e by accident.

As soon as we reached our destination Minho called Chan witch let us into the house. The minute we stepped inside the house, the smell of food hit us, witch, again, caused the boys to drop everything and make a run for it.

Chan waited for me, and gave me a hug as soon as I was all fixed up. I followed him into the living room where they were all planted in front of the TV, either playing Mario cart or yelling instructions to the players. Or, not everyone. Seungmin was no where to be seen. I threw one more glance over all the boys, in case I had just missed seeing him there, but he was nowhere in sight.

Hyunjin must have noticed me looking for him, because he dragged me out of the living room, and into an hallway full of doors.

"Third one on the left" was all he said before he pointed down the hall, and leaving me standing there.

I slowly made my way down the hall, counting the doors. I stopped outside the third one and looked at it. On the outside was a drawing of a puppy, witch read MINNIE underneath in big block letters. I knocked on the door, slightly nervous since I didn't really want to disturb him.

"it's open" he answered from the inside.

I took that as my cue to slowly open the door, and peak inside. The room was really big, with a big king size bed in one end next to another door. On the other one was a huge wardrobe and a desk, witch happened to be where I saw my boy sitting. He still didn't know it was me, so I took this as an opportunity to surprise him.

I didn't want to scare him, in case he was working or anything, so I just tiptoed over to his bed, where I silently plased myself on my stomach, facing Seungmin. He still hadn't noticed me. He looked up, looking at the door. He sighed loudly before he got up and closed the door again. He returned to his seat, and continued working on his pc.

I just stayed in his bed for about 15 more minutes, admiring his features, before he closed his pc, and pushed himself up from the desk, slightly stretching out his back. He slowly turned around and cough eye on me. He then looked over to the door, and back at me once again. Confusion written all over his face.

"How long have you been here?" he asked me, walking over, placing himself next to me on the bed.

I rolled over to my back, and answered him with a smirk on my face.

"In between 10 and 20 minutes I guess"

He looked rather taken aback by my answer as he smiled slightly. His smile soon turned into a smirk as he threw himself over me in one quick motion. I closed my eyes, and turned my face away afraid of the impact from his body hitting mine, but nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes, and found him howering over me, with his arms right underneath my armpits, as I had lifted my arms above my head. He slowly released himself down onto my body, while aiming his lips at mine. He looked down at my lips while he bit his slightly, before looking me in the eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. His lips gently hit mine, and immediately started moving in sync with mine.

We stayed like that for a few moments, just enjoying eachothers company and touch, until we heard the sound of a door opening.

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