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Jisung and I entered the club once again, and started looking around the different rooms, looking for my boyfriend.

We walked around for about 10 minutes, looking for him, before we entered a long hallway. We walked down the hallway, slowly, as Jisung's leg still hurt a little. Suddenly Jisung grabbed a hold of my arm, and held me back.

"What?" I whined.

I was really starting to get nervous for Seungmin, and was not in the mood for kidding right now.

"Listen" he whispered, while pointing to the door in the end of the hallway.

I tilted my head a little to the side, trying to catch any unusual sounds. Suddenly I heared a soft giggle. Followed by another one. And yet another one.

Jisung and I slowly made our way to the room, beeing careful not to make any sound. We stopped outside of the door, and carefully pushed it open, as it hadn't been closed properly.

The door opened fully, and a silent squeek left my mouth, as I turned in my pace, and ran out of there.

Jisung pov.

The door opened up, revealing seungmin. My eyes widened at the sight, as I tried to keep myself from screaming Seungmin's name.

Y/n let out a high pitched noice, causing Seungmin to turn his head, and look directly at us. Quickly y/n ran out of there, leaving me alone with the boy. I kept my eyes on Seungmin's body, as I screamed out:


Seungmin's eyes widened, as he realised what had happened. He tried pushing me out of the way to run after y/n, but I pushed him back inside, hard enough for him to fall onto his back.

My eyes traveled across the room, as I met the eyes of the person Seungmin was with. She stood a few feet behind Seungmin, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and a bra. She used her hands to cover herself up, as she quickly put her top back on.

I looked back up at Seungmin, who stood there, half naked, as his t-shirt and hoodie layed on the floor beside him. Violet marks had been left on his body, one on each one of his abs, and all the way down to the top of his pants.

I looked at him one last time before turning away, and talking to him while walking away.

"Come on, we need to get back. And you have got some explaining to do!"

Seungmin quickly got dressed, and made his way towards the entrance, close behind me.

Once we reached the outside of the buildng, I quickly made my way over to the car, where y/n was already waiting for us. She had taken the seat next to the driver. I quickly made my way to the seat behind her, as I figured she would want some space from Seungmin at this moment.

Seungmin pov.

Jisung quickly ran over to the car, and placed himself in the seat behind y/n. I saw her resting her head against the window. She didn't even spare me a glance. I saw her red, puffy eyes as I walked towards the car.

I quietly got into the car, y/n still kept her head and eyes away from me. I looked over at Jisung, witch had a discusted look on his face. The guilt rushed through my whole body. Tears started forming in my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. I kept telling myself 'this is not your fault', but the guilt only grew stronger.

I kept my eyes out the window the whole ride home, peaking over at y/n from time to time. She never once looked at me.

Strangers ~ Seungmin X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora