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A loud bang caused us to pull away from each other, as Seungmin quickly left the room, leaving me slightly scared. I slowly made my way out of the room and out to the living room, where all the boys were gathered in a sircle around the couch.

I made my way in between Jeongin and Félix, and met what all the boys kept their eyes on.

Han were sitting on his knees, pressing a cloth up against Woojin's stomach, while Chan stood beside him, holding Woojin's hand tightly.

I looked around at all the boys. Some were in shock, while others were crying silently.

"No please, Woojinnie! Stay strong. You are going to be ok" Chan tried to comfort Woojin, but the pain seemed to be taking over him.

Han turned to face everyone standing around as he inspected us slightly before he spoke up.

"Does anyone know what to do? " He seemed more worried than ever.

I waited a second to see if any of the boys responded, before I answered him.

"Fuck. Yeah I'll do it."

I was more frustrated and stressed than I had ever been. My medical skills weren't all too good, but I guess I knew what to do.

I quickly dowe down, taking over Han's position as I starting instructing the rest of the boys.

"Jeongin, grab a scissor and cut open his shirt. Hyunjin and Seungmin, bring me every medical supplying in the house. Han, bring a washcloth soaked in cold water and put it on his forehead to cool him down. Chan, keep him awake and comforted."

I looked up to the boys as I spoke, gaining small nods from them all before they all ran of.

My eyes met with Chan's. He looked the most worried out of everyone. I actually understood why. He was the leader, and one of his members got injured. He probably felt like he had let him down or failed to protect him.

The first one to return was Jeongin. He slowly cut open Woojin's t-shirt, carefully not to injure him. As he slowly removed the fabric off of his body, the wound came into sight, leaving us all startled. He had two bullet wounds, right underneath his ribs.

"I don't think it hit anything important. I'll remove the bullets and fix the wounds. He should be fine"

I looked up and met Chan's face. He seemed even more worried after seeing the wounds.

Han came running into the living room, carefully placing a cold cloth on the top of his forehead. Woojin immediately relaxed slightly, but it was clear that he was still in pain.

"It's gonna be OK Woojin. You'll be OK" I slowly said in an attempt to calm him down, while brushing my hand over his sweaty cheek.

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