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Once I had showered and done my facial routine, I picked out a stylish outfit, and made my way downstairs. All the boys had left already.

I made my way into the kitchen and proceeded to make myself some food. I picked up my phone from my pocket, and started texting, seeing if anyone wanted to hang out.



Hey, wanna hang out?
I could use some company

Yeah, of course
Kinda need to get out of here myself
Seungmin is spreading his bad mood relatively fast.
It has already taken 4 people already

Sounds about right
Anyways, what do you want to do?

We could go shopping
I need more clothes
I'll pick u up in about 45 min if that's OK?

That's perfect
See you then


I quickly ate up and cleaned a little, until the doorbell rang. I skipped my way out to the door, and let Jisung in, while I got my phone and wallet.


Once we arrived at the mall, we made our way Into a whole lot of stores. Jisung and I picked out about $300 worth of hoodies for him to try on, and he ended up getting 4 of them.
Shopping was actually really fun with Jisung. He had really good taste in clothes, and kinda acted like a girl when walking around in a store.

We walked around the mall for a while just talking, until Jisung dragged me into a store. He immediately ran over to one of the hoodies, and held it up against my body.

"This is so perfect for you! You have to get it" He said, while admiring the peace of clothing in front of him.

"I don't know. I rarely wear crop hoodies. They show too much skin."

Jisung lowered the hoodie as he walked ever to me, placing his free hand on my hip. He slid his hand up my waist, along my side, until he reached the top edge of my pants.
The waist on my pants were really high, so his hand had gone a bit up my top, almost looking like he tried to touch me.

"Perfect! You're wearing high waist! Go try it on" He said with a smile on his face, as he pulled away from me.

I widened my eyes in shock at his previous actions, and slowly grabbed the hoodie, making my way to the changing rooms.

I quickly slid into the hoodie, walking out to get Jisung's opinion. His face lit up, as he looked me up and down.

"Wow, you look really sexy! Seungmin would love that on you" He said, as he studied my body.

I backed out into the changing room once again. ME? SEXY? What had gone into Jisung today? He was acting so wired.

We made our way out of the store, after he convinced me to buy the hoodie, and made our way to a small Cafe, with a wiew over the rest of the mall. About halfway through our conversation, Jisung started loosing his focus, staring down at the people walking by.

"Who are you looking at?" I asked as I tried following his gaze.

"That guy is really cute" He muttered to himself, probably not expecting me to hear it.

"What? Ok what have gone into you today? Is there something we need to talk about?" I asked him.

He looked over at me. He looked seriously nervous. His eyes met mine before he looked down, slowly playing with his drink.

He slowly muttered something. I couldn't make out what he said, as he spoke really silently.

" What was that?" I asked as I looked at him

He sighed heavily before looking me in the eyes.

"I think I might be gay" He muttered, quickly looking away

My eyes widened in shock. Don't get me wrong. I'm not homofobic or anything. I just didn't expect it. Mabye I should have expected it. I don't know. He has always been kinda different from the others. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore, I just thought you should know." He silently said as he played with his drink in silence.

I shot up from my seat, and jumped onto the poor kid, attacking him with a hug.

"Honey thats great! Don't worry, you're still one of my greatest friends in the whole world. I'm gonna love you no matter what, so don't worry about me leaving you ever."

A smile spread across his face as he hugged me back. I slowly let go and got back to my seat. We both looked like two smiling morons.

" How do you know? Do you like someone? Does he like you? Do I know him? "I questioned as we sat there, facing each other.

" Yeah, you know him, but I don't think he feels the same way towards me. He treats me normal. Like I'm not spesial to him." He smiled sadly as he spoke.

"Aww. May i know who it is?" I asked with a hint of hope in my voice.

"It's Félix" He shyly answered, blushing.

A smile spread across my face, as I knew what had to be done. I was gonna make Jilix happen. That would be a perfect distraction from all my feelings towards Seungmin anyway.

My goal was set, and my plan was ready to get into motion.

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