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Nobody said anything in the car on Our way back. We were all Deadly silent. I think nobody knew what to say, so we all just stayed silent. [...] As we pulled up to Felix and Jeongin's house, my mom turned to them and said

"We have contacted your cousin. He was listed as the only relative you had who were capable of taking care of you."

"Yeah, thank you" Felix said getting out of the car, and giving off a small, fake and sad smile.

Jeongin stayed silent.

"Christopher Bang awaits you inside" my mother said to Jeongin as he got out of the car. He didn't seem to react to the News.

I wanted to say something. I wanted to say something so bad! And damn I should have said something. If only I knew what to say, or how this Whole night would affect my relationshit to the boys. I would have stopped them from going back home that night. I would have brought them back to my Place, and taken care of them.

But that's not how reality Works. Unfortunately.

I woke up the next day, and got ready for School the same way. But it didn't feel the same at all. I felt so empty. I felt like nothing mattered anymore. Who even cares if I go to School. And who cares that my Whole life is a total mess right now. Not only had my best friend's parents died, and they now lived With their cousin, but i was failing School.

I was probably going to fail my dancing as well, since i missed yesterdays practice. On top of that I had always been an emotional wreck. Someting that caused me to never even getting Close to having a boyfriend. And now, i could feel my relstionship to my two best friends disappearing.

As i approached School I could see my normal meeting spot for me and the boys beeing empty. I Guess I wouldn't really expect them to come to School, after what happened. I Guess I understood but this ment I was all alone, for the Whole day since I hadn't really gotten any other friends in the past 10 years.

After School I was sitting in my bed, staring at my phone. Already in my Messages app, and ready to Write a text to Felix, to see how they were. After about 5 minutes of staring at my phone I decided to drop it, and rather give them some Space.


They didn't show for School the Next day either. Or the one after that. In fact, they didn't show up the rest of the week either. Or the Next one. And when I finally managed to build up the courage and strength to text and Call them, they didn't answar either.

I couldn't help but feeling guilty. Guilty for not contacting them sooner. For not beeing there for them. Mabye they didn't want anything to do With me at all anymore. Only because I was to scared to be there for them, when they needed me the most.

Strangers ~ Seungmin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now