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Y/n pov.

We walked into the back of the building where we found our cell. Julie volunteered to be the hostage. I guess she wasn't into this fighting stuff.

Chan and Jisung was finishing off our strategy and I was helping Seungmin with his west. Once I had successfully placed the west onto my boyfriend's body Chan spoke up, assigning a role to everybody.

"OK, the front line (Chan and Seungmin) are gonna watch the hostage and make sure the other team don't get to Julie. I want Woojin and the Camelion line (Minho, Evan and Y/n) to make their way around the venue and take out the opponents. The production line (Felix, Jeongin and Hyunjin) are gonna be the first line of defence, right outside of the cell. The sales line (Jisung and Changbin) are gonna get to the front desk where the other team has their base, and prevent them from bringing Julie there if they get her. Everybody ready?"

Everybody nodded and made their way out of the room.

My group and I made our way further into the building. We decided to split up into teams of two, and cover half of the building each. Me and Evan covered the east side while Minho and Woojin covered the west side.

Evan and I walked through the tight halls of the abandoned building, looking out for the other team. We walked on each side of the hall, pressing ourselves up against the walls to prevent from beeing spotted easily.

The sound of footsteps made us both stop walking and hide away in the shadows of the dark hall.

Two figures came into sight. They walked through the hall heading straight towards us. Evan and I looked at each other and smirked we both raised our guns, pointing them to the two boys.

We walked out of the shadows, still having our guns raised. The two spotted us, and immediately stopped walking.

Evan and I took a few steps towards the two. We both smirked cockily at them before pulling the trigger on them. Their clean black wests showed two colorful spots of paint. One was pink and the other one was blue.

I lowered my gun and walked past the guy I had just shot, with a smirk on my face. I was actually enjoying this a lot. Mabye it was the fact that it was set up? Or mabye I liked the rush of pulling the trigger on someone?


I smiled widely as Evan and I walked side by side, looking into every room. We had taken out about six guys. We were about 15 minutes into the round now.

The smile on my face appeared once I had shot my first victim and never once left my face.

We reached a room with the word 'Supplies' written in big block letters across the door. My curiosity got the best of me as I slowly opened the door and peaked inside. The room seemed empty. I walked further into the darkness, looking around.

There were shelves stuffed with paper towels, staplers, books and everything else an office may need.

I walked around the room, letting my hands run across the dusty shelves as I walked past them with slow, patient steps.

The sound of a shot being fired snapped me back to reality and made me run towards the door. Evan stood by the enterance of the door with a big green stain on his west.

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