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"We're here" Chan yelled, witch snapped me and Seungmin out of our eye contact.

I rushed out the car, followed by Jeongin. I quickly made my way towards the entrance of the building we were parked in front of, and made my way towards the big wooden doors without even thinking about where we were. Jeongin caught up to me, and held me back, before I could disappear entirely. I stood there In silence while Jeongin held me back, and the others rushed past us while chatting loudly. Jeongin let go of my arms, as the other boys had passed, and walked around me to face me.

"Are you OK?" he asked me.

I don't blame him. It was not like me at all to act like this, and just randomly kiss the first guy I meet.

"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry innie" I assured him.

His worried looked, turned into a cocky smile.

"so... You and Seungmin hyung?" he said, while wiggling his eyebrows to me.

I smiled in response as I felt my cheeks burning.

"You like him, don't you?" he questioned me, while hitting me playfully in the shoulder.

"He's ok" I answered, with a big smile plastered on my face.

"No you like him. I saw the tape y/n. And I know you" Jeongin was practically yelling at me at this point.

I just shrugged it off while shaking my head and giggling .

"y/n?" he said as he stepped forwards, taking my hands in his.

I looked up, and met his eyes.

"I know you like him. We all do. And I've known Seungmin hyung for a while as well. He has never let a girl come as close to him as you have. It's obvious that he likes you too. I mean who could blame him. You're perfect, y/n. Please tell me that you'll give him a chance. I know you have never had a boyfriend before, and it might be scary, but do it for him. He needs someone like you in his life." I smiled while giving him a slightly shy nod.

Jeongin took a step backwards and looked at me proudly.

"You coming?" he asked as he turned around slightly, ready to walk.

"In a minute" I answered, signalising for him to go ahead without me.

He did, and I was left out in the cold breeze. I stood there feeling the cold wind hit my body, as I thaught about what Jeongin had just said. Just as I was about to walk inside, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and a farmilliar voice whispered in My ear.

"I knew you liked me, baby". I turned around, still in his arms, and my eyes met with Seungmin's sparkling eyes.

"Were you listening?" I asked him in an accusing tone, while leaning backwards in his grip, but he didn't let me go.

He tightened his grip on me, and closed the gap between our lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck for a moment, and just enjoyed his contact.

I leaned away from him, and once again, I met his eyes.

"Jeongin is right you know.... You should give me a chance" he said while smirking at me.

I smiled at his goofiness before pecking his lips one last time and turning around to walk away. Right before I entered the building I turned around and looked at him.

"Are you coming?" I asked him, as he was still standing on the same spot.

"Are you gonna give me a chance?" he asked, mimicking my voice.

"I..." was all I got to say before he cut me off.

"please" he said, as the walked up to me, flashing his adorable puppy eyes.

He took my hands in his, and I could clearly see the worry and lust in his eyes.

"Baby, please give me a chance. I won't let you down. Please just let me love you." he said with a hint of desperation in his voice.

I looked him in the eyes, and flashed him a smile, before releasing my hands from his. I took a step towards him, and put my hands on either side of his face.

"Of course, sweetie" I said, as I slowly brushed his cheeks.

His perfect skin felt so good against my fingers. He quickly pulled me in for a fast kiss, before he grabbed my hand, and leading me inside the building.

Strangers ~ Seungmin X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat