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It really made me happy hearing Seungmin talk about the boys like that. It made me realize how close and Connected they all are. The rest of the walk home, Seungmin talked about The other members. He told stories and helped me to get to know them.

Once in a while I pecked his hand, and his smile lit up the dark, every single time. I looked up at him while talking, and I could feel him beeing the one for me. I knew we were ment to be. I just knew it.

When we reached my house, he walked me to my doorstep, where he kissed me goodbye. A soft and romantoc kiss, witch I knew I could never get enough of. He then turned away, and started walking back towards the SKZ house. My heart started acing for him, as I didn't want him to leave.

Before he had even walked 4 feet, I ran up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him around roughly. I crashed my lips onto his, as his hands found their way to my lower back. I pulled him closer to me and started moving my lips. He tightened his grip on me, as his hands slid down slightly, resting on top of my hips. I pulled away after a while and flashed him a sweet, innocent smile, before spinning around, and making my way back to my doorstep.

Suddenly I realized we had managed to make a 6 minutes trip, 17 minutes long. I opened the door and walked inside. As soon as I had shut the door, my body fell onto the door, and finally my knees gave in, and my body melted onto the floor. I stayed Down there, just thiking about Seungmin for a long time.

I taught about his eyes. His lips. Our first kiss. When we held hands. Him talking. The Whole time, a smile covered my face, and I could feel the muscles in my face starting to hurt. I stayed on the floor, just thinking about him, until I blacked out.


The next morning, I woke up in my bed. I Guess my dad must have carried me up while I was asleep. I stayed in my bed for a while, just thinking.

Yesterday was such a blur, and I couldn't remember anything else than Minho showing up at School. I went through the Whole day inside of my head. I remembered walking back to the SKZ house, and from there everything was just gone. I couldn't remember anything else.

I got out of bed, and did my normal routine before going to School. At School I saw Felix, Jeongin and Minho standing by the gates. But they weren't alone. There must have been like 10 Girls clinging onto Minho. Every single one of them smiling, and laughing fakely.

Felix and Jeongin walked over to me, as I stood there, watching Minho. My eyes met With Minho's eyes, and he ran over to me, giving me a hug.

I could feel the glare from the girls drilling holes through me, but I just shrugged it off, and turned my attention to the boys.

" How was the walk home yesteday?" he asked me, while stepping out of the hug.

I looked at him in confusion for a few Seconds, before turning to Felix and Jeongin. They looked at me with the same look in the eyes as Minho.

" Fine" I answared, without even knowing what they ment.

I didn't really care either. It was still way to early in the morning for me.

Strangers ~ Seungmin X ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα