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Seungmin pulled away from me, and gave me a smile. My hands left his body as he pulled away, but he caught one of my hands, and intertwined my fingers with his.

"We should probably get going" he said before pulling me away from the tree, and holding my hand while walking towards my house.

My right hand was planted softly inside of his, and my left hand held around his lover arm. I thaught about what Minho had said earlier, and how he was going to react when he found out.

"I Wonder how the others are going to react when they find out I kissed you." Seungmin said, as if he could read my mind.

I looked at him, and saw him looking straight forward.

"Espesially Jeongin and Felix. Aren't they like your best friends?" He said, while looking Down at me for a second, and then returning his eyes to the road.

"Yeah, I Wonder too." I answared, looking up at him.

It was first at this moment I ralized how Perfect his jawline was. And every girl knows how attractive that is. I didn't really get why though. It makes as much sense as a boys ribs beeing attractive.

"Do you know why Minho switched School, really?" I asked him, beeing on the topic of the other members.

"He said he just wanted change, but I don't really believe him."

"Yeah, his parents kicked him out, so he lives at the SKZ house now. His former School is on the other side of town, so he switched it so he wouldn't have to ride the bus for 2 hours every morning." Seungmin answared.

"Wow", I thought inside of my head.

"Why was he kicked out?" I asked, beeing the curous girl i am.

"His parents are both alcoholic and abusive, thats why he can be a little mean sometimes by the way. So don't take it personally if he insults you." Seungmin started of.

"Anyways, his parents found out he failed his Math, and kickd him out. They said they didn't want to raise such a failure of a kid."

"Damn, that's harsh. Is he ok?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, he knows how to deal with it" Seungmin answared, and looked Down at me for a second.

"Tell me about the others, anything else I should know?" I asked him, while lifting his hand up to my lips, and pecking the back of it.

I looked up at him, and saw the smile on his face. That fucking Perfect smile.

"Yeah well there's Han, witch is kind of Minho's best friend. They've known eachother for a while now. Han is kind of a personallity between Minho and Chan. So he can be really annoying and mean, but he's also kind of a softie who loves taking care of the others. And then there's Woojin. He and Chan are kind of like Our parents I Guess. They always take care of, and protect the rest of us. Hyunjin is more like the shy kid in Our "Family", He don't like too much attention and he likes to listen, more than talking, Then there's Changbin. He's Our little clown. He loves making us laugh and he's really good at it too. He and Felix are like a joke duo. They always have something funny to say. And then there's only Jeongin left I guess. He's Our little sunflower. Whenever he's around, nobody can do anything else than smile. He really brightens up Our day. "

Strangers ~ Seungmin X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant