Chapter One: Audition's Week

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"Finally!" I groan in relief, thankfully done with the night. I had spent the whole entire day and evening making some changes and quick notes for my upcoming musical, Hamilton. Casting calls started tomorrow, I couldn't come unprepared so I did some last minute changes and what not. I just needed to make sure it was all perfect for everyone who was auditioning.

Well, I hope people audition in the first place. I hope people actually like my play. It could be boring as hell for all I know. I shake my head, trying to stop myself from saying such negative things and get ready to get some sleep because tomorrow was going to be a really long and tiring day.

I sigh once more, before putting all of my notebooks and papers away. After I finish organizing my desk, I go up to take a quick warm shower. I absolutely loved them, it took everything off of my mind and it relaxed me so much.

Once I hop off the shower, I change into some grey sweats and a white t-shirt. I brush my teeth and when I'm done, I lay happily on my bed. I scroll through Twitter until my eyes feel heavy, and soon enough, I fall asleep.

The next morning, I was awaken by my alarm that I had set up yesterday. I groan and roll over, pulling the warm covers over my face even more. After some five minutes, I realize that I actually have to get out of bed so I force myself to stand up.

I make my way into the bathroom and get ready to start my day. I brush my teeth and I wash my face, trying to wake up even more. I look at myself in the mirror and think, if The Walking Dead were to hold auditions right now, I'd be the perfect role. Seriously, I looked so shitty and tired right now.

I head to the kitchen to start my morning with some good breakfast. I brew some coffee and then proceed to make some pieces of bacon and eggs. When I'm done cooking, I walk over to the kitchen counter and I grab a stool to sit on it.

I look through all of the notifications and missed texts I got last night while I was sleeping, and open up my parent's messages. They were all wishing me good luck since we began casting week today. I hit them back quickly and put my plate away in the sink when I finish eating.

I go to the bathroom once more to take a hot shower. Damn, it was cold in the mornings. When I step out of the shower, I pick some comfortable jeans and a hoodie to wear for today. I brush my hair and spray some cologne and when I'm ready to go, I leave my apartment.

There was no need for me to take a cab or the subway, since I lived two blocks away from the Richard Rodgers Theatre. I stop at the front of the theatre once I'm there to admire the Hamilton posters.

"Hamilton: An American Musical coming soon on Broadway"

It felt so amazing to just read that sentence. A small smile forms on my face and I decide that it is time for me to enter the theatre. I get a lot of hey Lin's and welcome's when I walk in. I greet everyone back with a big smile on my face.

"Hey, Lin!" Tommy, my good friend, pats me on the back. He was the one who was going to be directing Hamilton, amongst a hundred other people.

"Tommy! Good to see you, man." I go in for a handshake and he does the same. We walk together to the room where the auditions were going to be held, making small talk on the way. When we get there, I spot Alex, my other best friend. He was also helping to direct the show, but more or so the music part.

We all sit on the table, I was in the middle and Tommy and Alex were both at my sides. People should be getting inside the theatre in about five minutes, since the casting calls were set to be on eight am and it was now seven forty-five.

The security guards told us that there was already a full line of people waiting outside, but they had to wait until seven-fifty to open the doors. Soon enough, the five minutes were up and we heard people walking inside. They were led outside of the room we were in, where we were going to hold the auditions.

The first person walked in, and since they already knew the rules because the guards explained everything in the hall, we began right away.

After about seven people, we still weren't fully impressed. "Next!" Alex said loudly and a guy in his mid-twenties walked in. "Hello, I am Anthony Ramos and I am here to try out for the role of John Laurens." He said loud and clear.

"Whenever you're ready, Anthony." I said and he nodded. After a second of him singing, I knew I had to give him the role of Laurens. He was perfect since he could also do the role of Philip Hamilton, he had that young face that looked like Philip.

When he's done singing, we all applaud. "That was great," Tommy commented and Anthony thanked him. Usually, we would send the person to the hall until we got back to him, but I made up my mind.

"Anthony, congratulations. You just got the role of John Laurens and Philip Hamilton. You were exactly what I was looking for!" I chirp and he gasps, covering his mouth with his hands.

"No way! Thank you guys so much, I am so thankful!" He says in utter shock, with a grin planted on his face. Seeing his reaction makes us all smile. "You're very welcome," Alex says and we ask Anthony to send the next person in. He thanks us one more time, shaking our hands, before exiting the room.

Around three more people came in and auditioned, before we called it a break. We had only found one person, but at least we still had the whole day and week ahead of us.

We all took a 10 minute break, and I decided to quickly head out next door and get a cup of coffee. Yes, it was my second coffee in a day, but I needed it. Badly.

I walk inside the theatre once more, and head inside the audition room. I still had around four minutes of break left, so Tommy, Alex, and I were fooling and joking around as always.

Once the break was over, someone walked in and I wasn't paying attention as to who it was since I was settling down from the fits of laughter I just had with Tommy and Alex. As I sit up and force myself not to laugh anymore at Tommy's dumb joke, I look up.

Who knew my life would've been turned upside down after this moment?

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