Chapter Twenty-Two: Airport

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We all took our bows when the night show ended. Lin grabbed my hand onstage and we walked backstage. Tommy reminded the cast that we needed to stay an extra while to choose the songs we would sing at the White House, but before that, we changed out of our costumes.

I also took off my makeup since it was slightly bothering me. I hated having a lot of makeup on my face but since it's for the show, I didn't mind. When I was finally bare faced and changed into Lin's hoodie and some grey sweats, I headed to the stage with Renee and Jazzy, waiting for the rest of the cast.

When we were all here and sitting down in a big circle, Tommy and Alex stood in the middle. "Okay, I know it's last minute but we are leaving tomorrow, Friday. The actual performance at the White House, however, is on Saturday. We also get Monday off, and we fly back on Tuesday and don't perform until Wednesday. So, we have Monday off for vacation and Tuesday for getting here in New York."

We all listened attentively while my head rested on Lin's shoulder. I was pretty tired and was about to drift off to sleep, but I needed to pay attention.

"Now that we got that discussed, which songs do you recommend to be performed there?" Alex asks and we all think for a minute.

"I personally think The Schuyler Sisters should be included since it's really powerful and energetic." I spoke up and everyone quickly agreed.

"Oh, and how about One Last Time? Chris and Lin could definitely nail that one." Anthony says and I nod my head. "Yeah and the song's about the U.S. President and since we'll be singing for our former President, it's a good choice." Lin pointed out which was very true.

After talking this out for a few more minutes, we'd decided that we'll sing Alexander Hamilton, My Shot, The Schuyler Sisters, and One Last Time. Tommy and Alex thanked us for staying some extra time to discuss this and then we went to our dressing rooms to get prepared to leave.

This time, I was going back to my apartment rather than staying with Lin at his place since we had to pack for the trip. When we walked outside, he gave me a warm hug and I kissed his lips. He insisted on driving me home but I said no because he's done enough for me.

I walked home and when I got to my place, I really wanted to go to sleep but knew I couldn't. I opened my suitcase and started packing. After about forty five minutes of thinking and planning my
outfits, I was done and ready to go to bed.

The next morning, I was really excited for the day because it was the day we left for Washington. I had received an e-mail with all of the flight information and how we were leaving right after we finished tonight's show.

I get a text from Lin and I respond as I make my way into a coffee shop near the theater. He told me he was already inside the building and I told him I'd see him in a few minutes.

After getting two cups of iced coffee for Lin and I, I make my way to the theater and walk inside. I see him sitting down in the stae, writing something in his notebook with a black pen.

I walk towards him and I give him a peck before setting down the beverages. "Hi, babe." He comments and I smile. "Good morning," I hand him his coffee and he thanks me.

"What're you writing?" I ask curiously and he looks up at me. "Oh, some important information I needed for the trip." He said casually. Alex and Tommy gave us our instructions so we went to our rooms to get ready for the show. It was pretty much the same routine everyday, and I couldn't get tired from it, I was so blessed.

After our draining but amazing two shows, we were ready to head to the airport. We decided to shower and change before going there, so when I was done, I changed into Lin's hoodie and my black sweatpants.

I walked out of my dressing room and went to Lin's. I saw him packing up some last minute stuff and when I entered the room, he looked up, grinning.

"Hi, gorgeous," He went over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Hi, babe." I said and smiled at him. He looked down at me and noticed I was wearing one of his hoodies, again.

"Damn, girl. You're stealing my hoodies again? What are you planning on stealing next, my last name?" He flirted and I threw my head back in laughter. "Maybe," I said and he smiled, kissing my lips.

Tommy and Alex called all of us to meet them outside since we had to leave already. We walked outside and got inside the bus that was going to take us to the airport.

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