Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sarah

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After we all took our bows, we ran backstage. We changed into our normal clothes and then decided to hang out in the lounge again for a bit of time. When we are all talking about tonight's show and whatnot, the new girl who plays Angelica, walks in the room.

Leslie stands up and introduces her, since he was the only one who had time to meet her before the show started. "Guys, this is Sarah Wilson. She will be taking on the role of Angelica, as you saw her tonight." He said, and we all clapped to make her feel welcome.

"Well, my name is Sarah and I am honored to be here!" She said. She greeted every one of us as we said our names and when she stopped at me, she couldn't contain her smile, for some reason.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said and I chuckled. "You too, I'm Lin." I said, shaking her hand. She then moved onto Julia, and Julia being the kind person she is, made her feel comfortable and welcome by having a conversation. We all chatted for a while until we decided it was best to leave because we needed rest for tomorrow's shows.

As I was in my dressing room packing up with Julia by my side, I hear a knock on the door. "Hello, I was just heading off. Thank you for having me here! Have a good night, the both of you." I saw Sarah come into view.

"You too!" Julia called out as I just gave her a friendly smile. She walked out of the dressing room, as Julia stood up. "You ready to head home?" She asked me and I smiled a genuine smile now.

"Yes, that sounds wonderful." I said in a British accent, but it just came off crappy. Julia laughed at my attempt and I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

We exited the theatre, our arms linked and as I was driving, I decided to ask Julia about the new cast member. "Babe?" I say and she looks up from her phone, putting it aside to give all her attention to what I was going to say. "Mhm?" She hummed.

"What do you think about Sarah replacing Renee?" I ask and she thinks for a second. "Well, she seems really nice, and her voice is as strong as Renee's, but no one could replace her." She said honestly.

"I agree, Renee was such a mother figure to all of us, she cared so much and was so funny." I said and she chuckled, remembering how actually funny Renee is.

"Yeah, she really was. Although, I don't know, this might come off judgemental, but she kind of gave me a weird vibe?" Julia said and everything clicked, the answer I was hoping for. The thing is, I thought the same thing.

"Right? I don't know, I just-" I admitted. "I felt her gaze on me the entire time," I said.

"Did she? Well, doesn't everyone? I mean, look at you!" Julia exaggerated and I laughed with her.

"Thanks, love. But you know I am fully and completely yours, right?" I asked and she smiled. "I know, same here." She chuckled. I pulled up to the driveway and parked the car. We then managed to walk inside and get ready for bed.

A/N: I am so so so happy you guys are enjoying the story. Can you guess what happens next? I'll give you a hint: ☕️
Make sure to please comment, I LOVE seeing your inputs of the story! love u all!💛

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