Chapter Thirty-Five: New Step

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Two months later...


It was now mid February and Lin and I were doing amazing. We were much closer than ever before and we spent almost every second by each other's side. Sure, we had our times when we were independent because every relationship needs some time apart, but other than that, we did everything together.

Almost everyday, we had two shows to perform or we had interviews to do, but I couldn't complain, this is my dream. I push all my thoughts aside as we prepare to do the opening number for the show. I wasn't in the mood to miss my cue. I come out onstage and start singing my lines with passion.

When all was set and done, we took our bows and went backstage. Lin ran to me and propped himself on my back, attempting to piggy back ride me. I started laughing because he almost fell backwards.

"You almost broke my back!" I said with laughter. "Don't act like I'm the heaviest thing on Earth!" He protested, still laughing.

"Well, I'm not saying that. But I'm also not denying it..." I trailed off and saw his eyebrows shoot up. I laughed at his reaction as he became slightly offended.
He wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my forehead on the side and I wrapped mine around his neck.

I headed off back to my dressing room and he walked into his to change into his normal clothes. When we were done, we left the theater and walked outside.

Unfortunately, Lin had to go back to his place, so as we said our goodbyes, he brought something up. "I wish I could go home with you after the shows every night." He pouted and I giggled at his reaction. "I would love that." I say with the biggest smile on my face just thinking about it.

"You know we could make that happen, right?" He asks and my heart pulse suddenly becomes faster. Does he want me to live with him? Is he asking me to move in?

"Yes..." I trail slowly while a smile creeps up on my face. "So do you actually want to do this?" He asks me as he squeezes my hands, looking at me with hope in his eyes.

"Well, all I know is that I don't want to spend another night of my life without you sleeping next to me." I said and he grinned.

"Yes, yes, yes! Yes, beautiful!" I laughed at his adorable response. "I love you." I say as I have the biggest smile plastered on my face. "I love you more."

The following morning consisted of one show in the afternoon and one interview after that. Lin was supposed to move in right after the interview, since we didn't want to waste time.

Others could say we were rushing into things, and I'll be the first to admit that this step we're taking is a bit scary since I don't want things to get ruined, but we both have faith in this. We're strong enough to handle anything.


The next morning, I wake up with the same stupid grin on my face I had when I fell asleep last night. I'm moving in with my girlfriend. Girlfriend, I have to stop myself from laughing everytime I think about the word. It still sounds so crazy. I'm so blessed to have found Julia and get to call her my girlfriend.

After the matinee, Julia had an interview so she went to do that but I went back to my place so I can spend all afternoon moving my stuff from here to Julia's apartment. Well, now it's our apartment.

When I get to my apartment, I start packing suitcases and boxes with all of my clothes. "Since when did I own this?" I ask out loud for what feels like the fifth time, pulling out a shirt from my closet.

When I'm all ready, I put everything in the trunk and backseats of my car and drive to my new home. By the time I get there, it's past noon, which means Julia will be home soon from her interview.

I take part of my stuff and walk inside the apartment. I walk to the bedroom to let my suitcases on the floor. Then, I get out of the room and walk towards the front door. I still need to get the rest of my stuff.

When I'm about to open the door, it flies open and Julia comes into sight. Right after seeing me, she engulfes me in a hug and I wrap my arms around her.

"You're already here!" She says, I can notice the excitement in her voice and it only makes the happiness inside of me increase.

"I just left my clothes in the bedroom and now I have to get the rest of my stuff from the car." I peck her lips.

"Well, let's go." She grabs my hand and guides us through the door. We hold hands all the way to the car and she insists on helping me, so I give her some boxes.

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