Chapter Thirteen: Run-Through's

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That monday morning, I headed off to work and I couldn't wait to see Julia. I don't know what we were or what we felt. All I knew is that I couldn't wait to be by her side the whole day.

When I pull up to the theater, I park my car and walk inside. I greet everyone with hi's and goodmorning's, but when I get to Julia, I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Everyone awwed and we just smiled.

Today we were supposed to get started on our costume fittings and finish Act 1. We were moving pretty quickly since opening night was in a month. We wanted to have everything perfectly completed before opening night, of course.

"Alright, everyone! Go to your assigned dressing rooms and you will see your costumes there. We're gonna try to run through Act One completely today, so you'll have to remember to do costume changes. For now, don't worry about remembering which costume to use for which song, because they will be an assistant in each dressing room to help you. Okay, go!" Tommy shouts and we all run along to our rooms.

When I get to my private dressing room, I greet my costume designer, Paul. I already knew him since I hired him with the help of Alex. I change into my first costume, a white and cream combination of shirt and a coat with some long boots. My black hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, and when I was ready, I walked onto the stage.

I saw most of the cast members already onstage waiting for Tommy's instructions. However, I couldn't seem to spot Julia yet, which made me pout slighly. A few seconds later, I look to my right, and see Julia walking from the wings onto the stage. She was wearing the cream dress that looked beautifully on her.

"Heyyyyyy," She said, putting her arm around my waist. I smiled at her action and I reciprocated it. I threw my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me.

"Wow, surprisingly, you don't look that bad!" She joked and I ruffed her hair with my hand, messing with it. "Hey, that was rude!" She laughed and so did I. "I guess I was going for the 1700's look today," I shrugged casually and she laughed.

"Places, everyone! We're gonna run Act One to see what we have so far!" Tommy shouts and we all quickly disperse into our assigned positions. I hear the familiar beats fill the theatre and get ready to see my own show come into action.

Before I knew it, "Helpless" was already playing. I remembered that I had to kiss Julia, and I was waiting for that moment the whole song. "And long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to God you'll never feel so," I sing in my growly voice to make Julia laugh while I spin her around.

A few seconds later, we're walking down the imaginary aisle and I put her ring down. When she sings helpless for one last time, I get to feel her lips on mine. I wish I could stay in this moment forever, but we had to keep going. Luckily, I got to kiss her four more times. Oh, what a wonderful life I get to live.

Twelve songs later, we're singing Non-Stop. I couldn't believe we were running Act One with few to no mistakes. "I am not throwing away my shot!" I shout and the light goes out.

We all start to clap and cheer, proud of our endless work that had payed off. "Excellent job, everybody. Amazing!" Tommy says through the microphone, praising us. We had the rest of the night off, since we barely had mistakes and we had officially finished with Act One.

"That was incredible!" Julia runs over to me, jumping on my back. I laugh and catch her just in time, giving her a piggy back ride backstage. The whole cast decides to go to the lounge, where we spent most of our free time, just eating after rehearsals and joking around.

Daveed decides to order pizza for us to eat. When we arrive, we basically dig into it in a matter of seconds. I guess you could tell we were all starving.

"Yo, let's play truth or dare!" Anthony suggests and we all say yes.

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