Chapter Five: Dinner

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I come home and I drop my backpack on the floor, next to the entrance. I make my way over to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water, with my phone in my hand. I go to my bedroom and change into some comfortable clothes, and I go back into the living room.

I decide to sit and watch TV for a short while before heading to sleep. After scamming through some channels, I choose to text Julia. I wanted to wait at least a day, but I really wanted to talk to her.

I ask her if she'd be willing to come with me to auditions tomorrow, I really wanted to see her input in things. After less than a minute later, she replied.

I'd love to. What time should I get there?

She asks and I type back, Auditions actually start at eight but if you want to get here earlier, then even better.

Alright, will do. See you tomorow!

Her text makes me smile lightly before responding, See ya :)

I stayed up half an hour more until my body decided it was time to sleep. I walk to my bedroom and turn off the lights. Soon enough, I'm dreaming.

The next morning, I'm awaken by my blasting alarm. I stir around and reach for my phone, hitting the snooze button. I realize I'm supposed to see Julia today, which made me even more motivated.

When I was ready to go, I made my way to the theater. I parked in my special parking space, and got out. I spotted Alex walking in as well, so I ran to where he was. "Hey, man! Ready for today?" I ask and he gives me a weird look. "You seem oddly excited this morning." He says and I shrug with a smile. I don't know what cane over me, I was just happy today.

We walk inside and greet everyone. A few minutes later we make it to the audition room and I get a text from Lia. She said she was on her way so I texted her back.

"Coffee?" Tommy offered as he held a mug in his hand. "Thanks Tommy," I said, grabbing the mug from him. I took a sip and then rested it on the table. I also put my phone on the table, alongside all of my papers.

Soon enough, the door opens and I see Julia come inside. I stand up and I'm the first to greet her. "Julia, hi! I'm glad you could come." I say and give her a quick hug.

"Thank you for inviting me," She says. I forgot to tell Tommy and Alex that Julia was joining us. Oops.

"I invited Julia to join us for casting because it turns out we think alike when it comes to the show and I wanted her opinions as well." I said to Tommy and Alex and they introduced themselves kindly.

I got a seat for Lia next to me since today I was sat on the edge of the table. We all made small talk until the casting began. Immediately the first person that walked in, blew us away. We discussed our opinions and decided that she perfectly fit the role of Peggy Schuyler and Maria Reynolds. Her name was Jasmine Cephas-Jones.

Julia pointed out that she liked Jasmine for the role because she portrayed the young and innocent part of Peggy, but also the mature side of Maria. She was totally right, I made the right choice of bringing her along with me.

Some more people auditioned and it didn't go that well, we just kept shouting the same over used phrase, next. Then, came in this tall curly haired guy and said he wanted to try out for the role of Thomas Jefferson.

We agreed on giving him the role of Jefferson and Lafeyette, since he could portray a really good and fluent french accent. We only needed one more cast member, someone who would play King George III.

We called it a night after not finding anyone who could fit the role of King George. Tommy and Alex left early so it was just Julia and I packing up to leave.

"Lia, thanks for coming today. I really appreciate it." I give her a warm smile. She returns one before speaking, "It was my pleasure working with you guys."

It was already late and I didn't have work tomorrow, so I asked her if she wanted to go to the same cafe from last night to grab some dinner. She kindly agreed and we made our way down the street.

When we got to the restaurant, we got our food and picked the same table from yesterday. Luckily, there were little to zero people in the cafe, which made it better since it wasn't crowded. We talked about the upcoming rehearsals. After that, we did some joking around.

"I bet you one dollar that I can balance this straw on my nose," I say and Lia chuckles.

"You know what? I bet you ten dollars." She says and I furrow my eyebrows slightly.

"Ten?! Jesus, woman, I'm not rich!" I proclaim jokingly.

"Weren't you creating a show about the guy on the ten dollar bill?" She says, emphasize on ten and puts her finger up to her cheek, pretending to think. I let out a laugh and she smiles.

"You got me there," I say and try balancing the straw on my nose. Before I can even place it there, it falls right on my lap. Lia laughs and places her palm on the table.

"Pay up, Miranda." She says and I smirk. "Uhm, let me think about it." I pause dramatically. "Nope!" I say and she rolls her eyes. "You owe me." She says, raising both of her eyebrows.

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