Chapter Eleven: Kiss

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Holy fuck. I have to kiss Julia.

Don't get me wrong, a part of me wanted to. But what if our friendship ended up being weird? What if the kiss ruined the friendship even though it was just for the show?

"Got it?" Andy asked and I looked over at Julia to see if she was okay with it. She nodded and I followed along.

"Let's take it from the part where you slide the ring in her finger." Andy said and so I took my place.

I take Julia's hand, placing the diamond ring on her finger. We look up at each other, and I stare into her brown orbs. "Helpless" She sings and I get ready for what was coming next. I cupped her cheek that was slowly turning red. I smiled at her before slowly I leaning into her. My other hand that was holding hers was shaking slightly. My mind was repeating the same sentence over and over, "It's just for the show, it's all an act." But the sound of my heart was beating so loudly I couldn't concentrate. It felt like it was going to explode.

Finally, my lips touched her. Sparks flew in every direction, and it felt like everyone was slowly disappearing around us. It was a small yet warm kiss. I honestly never knew a kiss so innocent could be so intimate and electrifying. Her lips were moving in perfect sync, my hands feeling her waist; I pulled her closer, the kiss deeper, more passionate. I felt her hands on the back of my neck play with the ends of my hair. Andy shouted, "Perfect!" signaling us to stop, but we didn't.
I felt my smile grow on my face and on Lia's face as well.

We finally pulled apart and the whole company burst into applauds and cheers. Julia and I smiled nervously, not knowing what to do. "That's a wrap for today!" Andy shouted and we all said our goodbyes, parting our ways. Lia walked into her dressing room and I jogged over to her, catching up.

She closed the door behind us and I layed on the couch, slightly tired. "You were amazing today!" She praised me. I gave her a smile before responding, "I could say the same thing about you." I didn't want to bring up what had just happened onstage, so I just remained quiet, using my phone as she packed up. "Hey, tomorrow's a free day, right?" She spoke up, grabbing her bag.

"Yep," I said, popping the 'p'. "Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?" I asked her. She thought for a second and then shook her head, "No, I don't think so."

"Well, how about we go do something? There's a museum exhibition that just opened up, and it actually has to do with some parts of Hamilton's history." I offered. I swallowed my nervousness down, hoping she would say yes. Cut it out, Lin! Julia. Is. Just. Your. Friend. Don't. Be. Nervous." My conscious reminded me.

"Oh my God, that's a great idea, yes!" She said excitingly, I knew how much she loved American History.

"Awesome! I'll text you the details later." I said and we walked outside, the cold breeze making contact against our faces.

"It's a date! See you tomorrow, Lin." She said goodbye and I went in to give her a warm hug.

"Bye!" I said as I stood there with a million questions running through my mind. Did she really say it was a date or was it just a joke? Was this an actual date?

A/N: Happy Valentine's day! Thank you for reading!

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