Chapter Eight: Rehearsals

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The next day, we were told to meet at the theater at nine in the morning. This was going to be our regular schedule so I had to get used to waking up just a little bit earlier. I was already in my dressing room, along with Renee and Jasmine. It was so fun hanging out with these girls, it had to be one of my favorite parts so far.

As we were talking, we hear Lin's voice through the intercom. He said to come downstage and we followed his orders.

"Hello, hello, hello! Good morning, I hope you are all doing well. Today we officially start our rehearsals with the first five songs." He announces and we all nod. Luckily, I only sang in two of those five songs, so I already knew my lyrics.

"We will begin with the opening song, Alexander Hamilton. I trust that you all learned your lines for at least the first songs today. Alright, we have a lot of work to do, let's begin, shall we?" He says and we all cheer in response.

Andy, the choreographer, started the rehearsals. We didn't dance, the ensemble did and they already had way more practice than we did since they were casted two months ago.

Andy made sure that we were all comfortable and that we were sure of where to stand and when. After he explained the first basis of the song, we tried it out while singing.

"He started retreating and reading every treatise on the shelf," Leslie said as we sang up until half of the song.

"Perfect! That's it, guys. Take five." Andy said and everyone clapped.

I went to the edge of the stage to get my bottle of water when I felt a hand go up my arm. I looked up and it was Lin, sending unexpected chills throughout my body.

"Hey," He said and I smiled.

"Hi, what's up?" I chirped.

"I know you only have five minutes of break and I want to make this quick and I just-" Lin rushed and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Slow down," I giggled. He took a breath and started again. Was he nervous?

"I just wanted to ask you if you would grab lunch with me later today?" He mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"I'd love to, Lin." I agreed and he looked up and I noticed how his eyes softened.

"Break's over!" Andy shouted and Lin pouted, seeing as our time to talk was up. I laughed at his cute reaction. "Gotta go, I'll talk to you later." I said and made my way back onto the stage where the rest of the cast members were.

"Okay, so now we are going to complete the half of the song and then move on with the next four songs!" Andy said and we nodded in agreement.

After approximately four and a half hours, we had covered up until "My shot". Two more songs and we were done. I was really excited because the last song we were going to be covering today was "The Schuyler Sisters" and Renee, Jasmine, and I were in it.

We had another break now, but it was longer than the first one. I walked over to the door where Lin was, he was waiting for me so we could go grab lunch. He smiled when I came into view and we exited the building together.

When we found a nice small place to grab lunch, we ordered our food and got a table. "So, what do you think so far?" Lin asked me as we started to dig in our food.

"I absolutely love everything about it!" I say quickly, he chuckled by my reaction and I joined him.

"Is that so?" He shoots his eyebrows up, "Yes," I nod confidently. "Lin, it's all amazing! The meaning behind the lyrics, the whole story, the choreography, you are a genius." I say, stating the obvious facts.

"Oh, the choreography is definitely all on me and not on Andy." He says sarcastically and I laugh hysterically, remembering an inside joke we had from yesterday where he attempted to dance and fell on his face.

"Can't forget about that, now can we!" I say and he laughs even harder.

As we finish up our lunch, we go outside, ready to head back to the theater to continue rehearsals. We didn't even look at the time, we could be late as fuck for all we know. But since we were having a good time joking around, we didn't care.

"Race ya to the theater," Lin winks at me and before I have time to respond, he sprints, leaving me standing there.

"Oh, it is on!" I shout, running so I could catch up to his speed.

A few seconds later, I see him stop to catch his breath and I pass him. "Take the L, Lin!" I say, reaching the theater door as he walks to where I was, slightly out of breath.

He laughs at my comment, now being even more out of breath. We walk inside the building, and out of a sudden, he grabs me by my waist, throwing me over his shoulder. I shriek but quickly cover my mouth laughing because the theater was pretty quiet and I didn't want to be one to scream out of nowhere.

"You are going to pay for this, Harriman!" He says and I start throwing punch at his backs, but yet it does nothing. He keeps on walking to the stage as I'm laughing, pleading him to put me down several times.

"Say 'you're the best' and maybe I'll consider putting you down!" He says, still making his way down onto the stage. "Maybe?! No way, Miranda!" I proclaim and he sets me down finally, but begins to tickle me.

"You ass!" I laugh and I try to tickle him back, until we hear someone clear their throats. What is Alex doing here? I ask myself and when I look behind him, I see the whole cast saying a bunch of awws and taking pictures of Lin and I.

Oh, shit. I didn't know the whole entire company just witnessed all of that. How could we not notice everyone was here?

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