Chapter Thirty-Three: I Love You

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. Where is Lin? I get out of bed and go to the kitchen, only to find a sticky note left on the counter.

Babe, Chris called me because he needed my help with a musical workshop that he's hosting. I'll be back in the afternoon and I'll make it up to you. Xoxo, Lin.

I laughed because he never uses xoxo, but I thought it was cute. I decide to pour myself some cereal, and then eat it in the living room. I scroll through some notifications and most importantly, I check my e-mail.

I furrow my eyebrows when I notice I have an unread email from New York Live. I open it and see that they wanted me to do an interview today about Hamilton.

I was confused but then at the end of the e-mail, it said that it was urgent and that they were sorry they couldn't tell me before hand. I replied back, accepting to do the interview and that they had nothing to worry about since I had nothing planned for today.

I quickly got ready, and managed to get dressed, do my hair and do my makeup in an hour. I honestly don't know how I managed to pull through but I did, surprisingly. I texted Lin quickly, letting him know that I'll be doing an interview.

When I got to the car, I noticed that he had replied back with, Kick ass in the interview!! I know you'll do amazing babe.

I chuckled and responded before driving to the place. When I got there, I was instantly greeted by this blonde lady who happened to be in charge of my interview. She walked me through everything and we started right away. She began talking about the show and then introduced me.

"Here is Julia Harriman from the smash Broadway musical, Hamilton, who plays Eliza. Welcome!" She says and I smile.

"Thank you for having me!" I said and we began the questions. She mainly asked about opening night and what had been the feedback from the people watching the show and I made sure to answer each question with detail.

"There you have it, if you want to catch Julia at the show, tickets are now on sale." The lady ended the interview and I thanked them one last time.

When I left the building, it was about two thirty in the afternoon and I had gotten a text from Lin saying that he was back in my apartment and that he brought lunch for us to eat. I texted him back, letting him know I was on my way.

When I got home, I felt a smile creep on my face, seeing Lin on the couch. "Hi, babe! How was the interview?" He stood up and gave me a hug.

"It was great! How did your workshop with Chris go?" I asked as I set my purse down on the table.

"It actually went better than expected. Turns out it's something Chris wants to do on his freetime." He shrugged and I chuckled. "Really? Chris having freetime?" I raised my eyebrows.

He realized that I said that because we both know that Chris barely has any freetime, he's basically like Lin. They both are working almost every second.

Lin laughed before saying, "You do have a point there!"

After eating the delicious food Lin had brought, we stood up to put our plates in the sink. Lin offered to wash both of our plates and I thanked him. When he was done with the last one, he turned around and leaned agaisnt the breakfast island.

I got off of the stool I was sitting on and walked towards him, now facing him. "What's wrong, babe?" I asked.

"It's about last night." He says.

"What about last night?"

"I remember what I told you," He looks down to the floor. "And I know you heard me." He pauses.

"The whole day today I pretended like I didn't remember what happened last night. The only reason I did that was because you didn't say it back. I thought that maybe it was too soon. I mean, I said it because I meant it, and that's how I feel towards you." He's mumbling every word really quickly while his eyes are glued to the floor.

"And Julia, I know you don't feel the same way, and that's totally fine b-"

"Lin." I interrupt him. What does he mean I don't feel the same way? Of course I do. How couldn't I?

"Because I obviously can't force you to feel what I feel, and it's alright if you don't, I just wanted to let y-"

"Lin!" I interrupt him again, but he didn't seem to hear. He's too wrapped up in what he's saying, which is total bullshit. I love him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say I was sorry if in any way I made you uncomfor-"

"Lin!" I basically yell this time, while grabbing both of his hands.

I lift his face with my hands to force him to look at me. I cup his face with my hands and I see that he's holding back a few tears.

"No, baby. Please don't cry." I mumble under my breath before swallowing. I smile at him and bite my lip, trying to fight my own tears back.

"I love you, Lin. I love you." I tell him and I can't hold it back anymore. Tears of happiness start running down my face. God, this man is my everything.

A smile is plastered on his face as he cups my cheeks and pulls me closer, connecting my forehead with his.

"I fucking love you, Julia."

We separate our faces from each other and we both chuckle. We're both crying like maniacs and laughing at the same time.

He wraps his arms around me one last time, pulling me into a tight hug. I close my eyes and press my head against his chest, wishing I could stay here forever.

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