Chapter Two: First Sight

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I shake my nerves off one more time as I prepare to walk inside the room. The security guard nods at me, signaling that it was time for me to walk into the audition room. I take a deep breath, and open the door.

I see the genius himself, Lin-Manuel Miranda sitting in the middle, laughing at a joke the guy to his left had said. Lin didn't look up at me until his laughter had died down. Suddenly, his eyes look back at mine, and I freeze, completely.

He flashes me a smile, and I try to do the same. Holy shit, he was even more handsome in person. I swallow all nervousness down, and put up a confident front. "Hello, my name is Julia Harriman. I am going to be trying out for the role of Eliza Hamilton." I smile.

"The floor is yours," Lin raises his eyebrows and I gulp. I close my eyes and breathe one more time. I start singing the song that I had picked out, If I Ain't Got You, since I think fitted all my vocals.

Throughout the whole song, the three guys, especially Lin, had their jaws on the floor. God, please let my voice be good enough. If I ended up getting this role, or any role for that matter, I would pass out.

I finish the song, and get a standing ovation. Was I really that good? This can't be, right? This has got to be a dream. "Excellent," The guy in the right side of Lin said. I smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"That was beautiful. Thank you, Julia. Feel free to wait outside in the hall and we'll call you back in a few minutes." Lin said and I couldn't get the grin off of my face.

"Alright, thank you!" I chirp and make my way to the hall. I text my mom back, telling her all about it. Around five minutes later, I hear my name being called.

"Julia Harriman." The guard said and opened the door for me. I silently thanked him and made my way inside the audition room once more. I stood there, with my arms behind my back, waiting for their comments.

"Julia, I'm thrilled to announce you'll be our Eliza! Rehearsals start on Monday." Lin says, and I feel my heart drop. I immediately start tearing up from happiness.

"Oh my God! This is a dream come true, thank you guys so much!" I exclaim and shake their hands. They all had smiles plastered on their faces as they watched me react to their big news. They gave me other small information that I needed to know before they dismissed me.

That afternoon, I drove home and I just couldn't stop smiling! God, it was just the perfect day. I got to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda, the actual demi god! Then, I got accepted into Hamilton? Somebody pinch me, holy fuck.

My family texted me, telling me they were coming over to celebrate my news. I get to reunite with them which was amazing. I got to see them, but not that often since they lived kind of far away. What can I say? New York is a big ass city.

About half an hour later, I hear the doorbell ring. I stand up excitingly, knowing it was my family. I open the door, and see them standing there with their arms open. After almost tackling down my parents and my brother, they walk inside.

They had been in my new apartment before, so it was nothing new to them. We all sit down in my white leather couch and we catch up on everything. My parents proceed to make dinner and me and my brother, Ethan, help out.

"Here's to Julia and her accomplishments!" My mom says, raising her glass of wine. We all cheered and laughed. "We're really proud of you." Dad says and Ethan agrees.

"Thank you guys, I missed having you around." I admitted and Ethan chuckled before saying, "We been knew, sis." I started laughing at his comment and they asked me more questions about what had happened today so I told them all about it.

After a while of telling jokes and catching up on each other's lives, it was time to leave. We all say our goodbyes and plan to see each other next week. My family was like that, kind of busy but when we were together it's as if we never stopped talking.

I close the door behind me when they're gone and I sigh, leaning against the door frame. I close my eyes and can't believe this is my new life. After a quick second of appreciation, I go to my bedroom and get ready to sleep since I was full on exhausted.

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