Chapter Seventeen: Sold Out

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I wake up with the biggest grin on my face, I couldn't believe my life. Opening night was in one week, I have everything I have ever wanted, I get to call Julia my girl, I'm thriving.

"Hi Tommy, hi Alex!" I greet them and they do as well. I was walking towards the stage, and when my eyes spot Julia, I jog over to her.

"Good morning!" She chirps and I pull her in a side hug. "Morning, beautiful." I kiss her lips.

"You guys are the cutest thing!" Anthony says and we laugh. "You say that like Janthony isn't the cutest thing ever." Julia says and Jasmine laughs.

"Okay, everyone! One week till Opening Night! We're going to be doing the whole show today, and later we'll perfect it, alright? Let's go!" I shout and everyone gets into their places. When I hear that bam ba di da dam dam dam, I get ready to get to work.

While we were performing, Andy made sure to give us critique or feedback as we were singing and dancing. It was kind of nerve racking, but we had to do what we had to do. If you thought we were working hard last week, you don't even want to imagine what this week's going to be like.

An hour and a half later, we're on the verge of finishing Act One. Here comes one of my favorite parts, when we all sing together at the same time.

"He will never be satisfied, he will never be satisfied. Satisfied, satisfied. History has its eyes on you. Why do you assume you're the smartest room? Non-stop, he will never be satisfied, what would be enough? Why do you write like-
History has its eyes on you."

And then, my last lines come.

"I am not throwin' away my shot, I am not throwin' away my shot. I am
Alexander Hamilton. I am not throwin' away my shot." And the lights go out.

"That's a wrap for Act One! Let's take a thirty minute break, and then get ready to run through Act Two!" Andy dismisses us and we go backstage.

We all decided to get some breakfast down the street, so we left the theater. I grabbed Julia's hand while we made our way there.

When we got there, we got sat down at a round table, getting ready to order. I scammed through my menu, contemplating on what to get. When we ordered our food and drinks, we talked about random stuff.

"Guys! Tommy just texted me that the tickets for Opening Night are sold out!" I exclaimed, interrupting whatever topic we were discussing at the moment.

"Wait, what?!" Anthony said.

"Didn't they go on sell like twenty minutes ago?" Julia asked, looking at her watch.

"Yes, but everyone bought tickets in under twenty minutes!" I said and we all gasped and hugged each other.

"I can't believe it!" I said, low enough so that only Lia could hear me. She squeezed my arm and gave me a huge smile. "I am so proud of you, I knew people were going to love your show!"

"Thank you, my love." I kissed her cheek and pulled her into my arms.

When our break was up and we had eaten, we walked back to the theater. We ran through Act Two perfectly, we just needed to fix some minor flaws in Act One and we were good to perform.

Luckily, I didn't get to kiss Jasmine on rehearsal, just onstage. I didn't want to create any type of awkwardness.

We were dismissed for the night after running the show non stop three times. To say we were exhausted was an understatement.

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