Chapter Forty-Three: Sing Off's

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A month has passed since the whole Sarah debacle, and thankfully, we hadn't heard anything from her. We were currently rehearsing for today's Ham4Ham show. Today's show, Julia and I were supposed to sing "Cabinet Battle #1" against each other, but with a twist.

She was supposed to have my role, Alexander Hamilton, and I was going to rap the part of Thomas Jefferson. Really weird, I know, but I was so excited to perform it because her rapping skills are beyond this world.

"Okay, are we ready to come out yet?" Andy asks us, making sure we rehearsed enough. We both nod and smile, lacing our fingers together. We walked through the backstage doors and immediately when we saw the crowd, they went crazy.

They were screaming our ship name and they also freaked out when I kissed Julia's cheek before going over to Daveed who had my microphone.

"Hello, hello, hello! For today's Ham4Ham show, we will be rapping the first Cabinet Battle from the Hamilton soundtrack, but we will be switching roles. Are you guys ready?" I shouted and everyone cheered.

"Can we get some snapping?" Chris asked while he started to snap his fingers to get the crowd started. Soon enough, everyone was snapping their fingers at the same time, laying down a beat.

"Does that work for you?" Chris asked and Julia and I said yes.

"Okay, keep snapping!" Julia said as we began the song.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you could've been anywhere in the world tonight but you're here with us in New York City. Are you ready for a cabinet meeting?" Chris started off before he introduced the issue on the table.

"Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir." He told me and we both cringed, seeing how weird it was for me to play Jefferson's part. Imagine pretending being your enemy, well that was my position since Hamilton and Jefferson were enemies.

I begin rapping as everyone is still snapping their fingers. I finish my part and drop the microphone, leaving everyone laughing.

"Thomas, that was a real nice declaration." Julia began and I got ready for her to roast the hell out of me.

Everytime she rapped a lyric, the crowd oooo'ed. At the end, she sang "Hey, turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits!" and got real close to me, that's when I grinned and pulled her in, kissing her lips.

I definitely caught her and the rest of the audience off guard. They all screamed even louder. "Thank you for coming to today's Ham4Ham show!" I said and we all left back to the theater to pack up our stuff.

When it was time to leave, I grabbed Julia's hand, and instead of leaving the theater by the front door like we always do, I took her somewhere else. "Where are we going?" She chuckled.

"Look," I opened the backstage doors and closed them behind me. We were facing the Hamilton wall decals they always put on the theater buildings. (A/N: Picture Above.)

I saw Chris walking out as well and told him to take a picture of us, Julia was laughing, still confused. We stood in front of the Hamilton and Eliza silhouette and recreated their pose. I grabbed her hands and she finally understood what I was trying to do.

"Ohhhhh, you want to recreate it! That's cute!" She laughed and I chuckled, "Yes! It took you long enough!" I joked and she punched my arm softly. "Shut up!"

Chris took pictures even when we weren't ready, so some candids came out of us laughing. They were kind of cute pictures, now that I think about it.

When we finally perfected the pose, Chris gave me my phone back and we thanked him. "You guys are just perfect." He said and we chuckled. "Aw, thanks Chris!" Julia cooed. We said goodbye to Chris after a few minutes and headed home.

"Can you believe it's almost summer break?!" I asked Julia while I was driving home and she grinned. "I know, right! We get full seven days just to relax." She sighed, already imagining being in paradise.

"Speaking of...where do you want to spend spring break?" I ask her and she furrows her eyebrows slightly. "I actually haven't thought about that yet, but anywhere is amazing, honestly." She shrugged with a smile.

One of the reasons why I love this girl. She is so simple to please and really goes with the flow.

"Well, you'd better choose your dream vacation because I am paying for our vacation tickets." I smirked and leaned in to kiss her cheek at a red light.

"Oh, no way! Lin-Manuel, you better not be playing with me right now!" She got up of her seat excitingly. I grinned, seeing her this happy.

"Oh, yes way! Where do you wanna go, babe?" I asked her and she chuckled. "Oh, God, uhm, I don't know!" She said nervously. "You shouldn't do this! It's too much, really!" Julia says.

"Too much? Love, I want to spoil the hell out of you! I want to take you to your dream vacation spot for a week. Anyplace in the world, oh, except Bora Bora because I'll keep that in mind for our honeymoon." I winked and she blushed.

"I fucking love you so much, I love you, I love you, I love you!" She repeated. Just hearing her say that makes my life complete.

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