Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back In The City

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The next day, we flew back to New York in the early afternoon. Julia and I were both hungry and kind of tired, so we decided to go to my apartment and then order food instead of eating out. We pretty much stayed in my place the whole day, playing video games and watching youtube videos.

When it started getting late, Julia had to go back to her home to unpack and get ready for another two more shows tomorrow. I gave her a long kiss before she left my apartment.

She literally just left and I felt lonely. I wanted to be with her all the time. She really was my ride or die. I decided to try to keep myself busy, otherwise I'd end up sad since Julia wasn't here with me. I began writing some thoughts down, and soon enough, I was tired and ready to sleep.

The next morning, I made my way to the theater and said hi to everyone when I got there. I sat in one of the audience's chairs, waiting for my girl.

I heard the doors push open, and I saw her beautiful face come into view. She raised her eyebrows at me while giving me a smile, one which I returned. She walked towards me and I did so too.

"Good morning, love!" She exclaims, giving me a peck.

"Someone's happy." I smirk and she chuckles while I wrap my arms around her fragile waist.

"Because that someone is very lucky to be with this other someone," She smiled. "You don't say?" I acted surprised and she laughed. "Well," I continued, shifting my weight. "I think that other someone is the one who's lucky." I said and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Nah, I think you've got it wrong, it's the other way around."

"I think you're wrong." I say, pressing my forehead to hers.

"Agree to disagree?" She asked and I laughed. "Yes, love."

We walked backstage and got ready for our two performances.


When both of the shows were over, I waited for Lin outside of the theater. I stare at the door that leads to the inside of the building, waiting to see him coming out of there. I wait five minutes, ten, fifteen minutes, nothing.

I take out my phone and start writing to Lin asking what is taking him so long when I feel a boo on my ear and two hands pressing on my waist.

I place my hand on my heart and turn around to find Lin laughing like a maniac, holding his stomach.

"Jesus! You should have seen your face!" He says still laughing.

"Oh, shut up." I punch his bicep. "You're an idiot, I could have died of a heart attack!" I cross my arms over my chest. He keeps laughing and walks towards me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." His mad laughter has lowered to a soft chuckle. "I didn't know you would get so scared." He kisses my cheek.

I smile at him. "I was joking, silly." I really was, I wouldn't get that dramatic over such a stupid thing. "What took you so long to come anyway?" I punch him softly again.

"Ouch, stop that, floyd mayeather." He says and I let out a big laugh. "You're so dumb." I tell him once I manage to calm down.

"Dumb and all, you like me." He winks at me.

"Hmm, maybe I do, but that's not the point." I smile. "But seriously though, what took you so long?"

"Jonathan and I were talking about some interviews that needed to be done by the end of the week about the show."

"Ohh, so that's what Tommy was talking about!" I say, putting the pieces together. I was so confused earlier, since I didn't know what interviews Tommy and Alex were talking about.

"C'mon, let's get going." He swings his arm around my shoulder and we walk to his car.

Lin drove me home and we were discussing our plans for the holidays. We had already planned everything out, I was coming to his parent's house for a Christmas dinner and the night of New Years, he was gonna spend it with my family and I.

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