Chapter Fifty-One: Tobi

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The next morning, I wake up to something licking my face. I roll around and come face to face with our adorable new puppy, "Hi big guy!" I say and start caressing him.

I notice that Lin wasn't laying next to me, so I get up and make my way into the living room. "There are my two favorite people!" I hear Lin say and I turn around, only to see him writing in a notebook.

"Me and?" I chuckle as he walks towards me. "Our brand new puppy." He grins and I stare at him, "Lin, babe, I hate to break it to you, but dogs are dogs. Not humans." I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

"You know what I meant." He pulls me closer and plants a soft kiss on my lips. "Alright, plans for today?" I question as I get a bottle of water from the frigde and start making breakfast.

"Uh, go shopping for the stuff we need for the puppy!" He says and I chuckle, "Yes, what else?" I ask and he thinks for a moment.

"How do you feel about movie dates?" He asked in a british accent, "I love them." I giggled. "Then add it to the checklist!" He said dramatically, causing me to laugh even more.

"Alright, then, let's get ready." I take one more sip of my water before going to the bathroom. After a quick warm shower, I decide to throw some jeans on and a hoodie. I comb my hair and brush my teeth, and once I'm done, I put perfume and deodorant on.

I grab my sneakers and put them on, and when I'm done, I see that Lin is already waiting for me in the living room. "You ready, honey?" He asks, sending a thousand feelings up my stomach. Yes, even after almost a year of being together, he still manages to have that affect on me.

"Yep!" I chirp and grab my purse, heading out the door with the man that I love. When we get to the pet store, Lin's hyperness just boosts to a whole other level because there are dogs all around the store.

Same, Lin. Same.

"Okay, first thing on our list. Food." I say, checking the list of things we needed for the puppy.

"What?! No! First thing on our list. Name. What are we going to name him?" Lin asked and I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "Are you kidding? You wanna decide right now? Babe, I'm terrible at names, you know that!" I say as we walk through the aisles with the shopping cart.

"Well, this is a practice for when we decide our future kids' names!" He said and I laughed, blushing. "Alright, alright, do you have any ideas?"

"Tobi," He says quickly and I turn to look at him.

"Tobi," I repeat the name, "That's perfect! It fits him so well," I smiled.

"You see? Pure genius work." He brushed off his shoulders, making me laugh.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," I said, messing his hair up.

"Hey, step away from the hair!" He threated jokingly, fixing it.

"Or what?" I challenged.

"Or else," He trailed off, planting a kiss on my lips unexpectedly. I pushed him away softly, "That was smooth," I chuckled and he did the same.

"Why, thank you."

"Okay, what leash color do you want to get him?" I asked and we continued on shopping the needs for Tobi. I can't believe we actually own him now. Growing up, I've always wanted a dog, and Lin knew how much I wanted one as well.

"Phew, that was succesful." I say as we get back into his car, an hour later roaming and shopping in the store since Lin couldn't stop fooling around.

"To say it was succesful is an understatement. What movie do you wanna see, love?" He asked as he put on his seatbelt.

"I'm fine with whichever, you pick." I smiled. We drove off to the movie theater, and ended up picking an action movie. When it was over, it was now about five in the afternoon, and we were ready to go home and see Tobi.

On our way back to the apartment, we rolled the windows down while blasting some good old songs.

"Hi! We missed you, big boy!" I say as Lin opens the apartment door and Tobi runs straight to me.

We put the bags down on the living room table and start setting up everything for the dog. Once we're done, we decide to get some work done together for a few hours. Soon enough, we got tired and decided to go to sleep.

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