Chapter Fifteen: I Can't Kiss Her

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The next day, I was up early and in the theater. Pretty much the same routine for everyday. But the fact that I got to see Julia's face while doing it, made it ten times even better.

"Hello, hello, hello! We covered Act One completely yesterday and I wanted to congratulate you guys. Now, let's get started on Act Two shall we?" I say and I get a lot of yeah's and wooo's.

I hated this act. You're probably wondering, well maybe it's because I have more lines, or maybe because I have too many costume changes, but no.

It's only one reason, which is kissing another girl that is not Julia. It didn't mean anything to me obviously, but I just didn't want to kiss a girl that wasn't mine. Well, not that Julia's mine, but besides that point.

We started with "What'd I Miss" and luckily, I literally only had one line, which was my name. Then, we practiced "Take A Break" which was way more exciting, since I got to be with Lia.

"Okay, Renee you would have the umbrella in your hand, singing to Lin upstairs, alright? And Lin, you would just be pretend writing on your desk." Andy gave us the instructions and we followed their orders.

Pretend writing was so much fun, some days I would actually write down some stuff and others, I would just scribble the fuck out of the paper.

"Now, Julia, go and take Lin's hands," He kept talking and I saw Julia walking over to me, a smile planted on both of our faces at the sight of each other.

We kept singing until I finished the song. "I have to get my plan through Congress. I can't stop till' I get this plan through Congress." I say and Julia and Renee leave the stage.

"Okay, it's time for Say No To This!" Andy shouts and I roll my eyes internally. Seriously, I didn't want Julia seeing me kiss another girl, even if it was just for a musical. I wanted to let her know that I only had eyes for her.

Leslie begins singing, and the lights go dark. I keep pretend writing on my desk, and Jasmine walks out wearing the Maria Reynolds red dress.

That was another thing, I didn't want it to be awkward between Anthony and me since Jasmine and him were dating now. Again, it was just for the show, but still.

"That's when I began to pray, Lord show me how to say no to this," I started to sing while Jasmine came up to me. "When her mouth is on mine, I do not say no," I continue and I stop the show.

"Let's break for a second!" I shout, cutting the music and everyone off. Andy looked at me confused, and so did everybody. I walked over to Andy, letting him know we had to talk in private.

"What happened?" He asked curiously as he pulled me to the side of the wings.

"I can't kiss Jasmine." I whispered truthfully. I know it was stupid and childish of me. I know. But I didn't want to.

"Why not? We need to let the audience know that Maria Reynolds and Alexander had an affair!"

"I know, I understand. I just don't want to kiss her, it's nothing personal."

"Then why didn't you say this when you had to kiss Julia?" He questioned and pinned me. He had me tied up.  I didn't thought of this. Fuck.

"Because...Julia's my good friend," I said, trying to cover up the fact that I was starting to fall for this girl.

"Good friend? That's a main reason for you to not kiss her. Lin, what's going on? I don't buy any of this." Andy crossed his arms. I sighed, not knowing what to do. Hell, I wasn't even sure about my feelings for Julia.


I knew how I felt. I just couldn't admit it to myself because I was too scared that I'd be the only person to fall. I was too afraid to get rejected.

"I can tell you like her, Lin. Everyone can. So, if you're falling for this girl, go get her. What are you waiting for?" He asked me.

"I...don't know," I mumbled under my breath, still unsure of what to do.

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