Chapter Three: Encounter

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"So," Tommy says as we're putting everything away. It was currently nine pm and auditions had just ended, we were so tired. I look up at Tommy, waiting for him to continue. "What'd you think of the casting choices we made today?" He questions as I put my water bottle inside my backpack.

"Oh, I think they're amazing and they're going to fit in the show perfectly." I say with a small smile on my face. Apart from Anthony and Julia, we already had a few cast members.

I had automatically picked Chris Jackson to be in it, and he was happy to be a part of it. I worked with him in In The Heights, so I knew how much talent he had and he was also one of my greatest friends. We still had to cast Lafayette/Jefferson, Angelica, Peggy/Maria, Mulligan, King George, and Burr. We already had the ensemble covered since last week, we just needed the main characters and we'd be ready.

"I agree, they had strong voices and also looked like what we had in mind." Alex commented, as we all nodded. When we were heading out of the building, we all said our goodbyes and parted our ways.

I got inside my car and turned the engine on. I check some recent messages I'd gotten before hitting the gas pedal. Once I was done quickly scamming over my notifications, I put my phone down and pull out of the parking lot. Once I got to my apartment, I immediately plopped down in bed and was out of it completely. I fell asleep in literal seconds.

The next morning, it was the same routine. Get up, get breakfast, get ready, head to auditions. Hopefully today we would find more people so this could end quickly. Don't get me wrong, I loved doing this, especially for my own show, but it got tiring at some point. Nevertheless, I did it anyways.

I say hi to the staff members when I enter the theatre and make my way to the audition room as always. When the casting started, I made sure I had my cup of coffee by my side. I sure as hell needed it.

"Next!" We shout over and over, until this woman named Renee auditioned. Her voice left me speechlees, it was exactly what I needed for Angelica Schuyler. We briefly dismissed her into the hall as we discussed our opinions.

"She's a no-brainer." I say and Tom and Alex both agree. We call her in and let her know the big news. She was so excited as well as the people who got the parts yesterday. We told her the information she needed to know and how rehearsals started on Monday.

She thanked us once more and left. People came in and out of the room the whole day, and when it was finally done, we had two more people casted today. We casted Angelica, Burr, and Mulligan. The man who played Aaron Burr was phenomenal.

As I make my way outside of the theater, I decide to stop in a cafe on my way home. I needed dinner and I wasn't in the mood to cook tonight. Besides, I've craved a good chicken sandwhich in quite a while.
As I walk in this place called New York Deli Cuisine, I figured this would do. It was on my way home and it looked pretty nice.

As I'm waiting in line, which only consisted of three people including myself, I spot a familiar brunette in front of me. Is that Julia?

After hesitating, I decide to tap on the girl's shoulder, and when she turns around, I noticed it really was her. "Lin! What a coincidence, hi!" She says happily and I smile. "Hi, Julia! I stopped by to get some dinner and low and behold, I saw a brunette standing in front of me. Considering the fact that there's not a lot of brunette's here in NYC, I figured it was you." I joked and she laughed.

"Well, hey I was going to do the same. It'd be awesome if you'd join me." She invited me to sit by a table and I gladly agreed. "I'd love to, we could talk more about the show if you'd like." I suggest after I order my food.

"That'd be great, I'll wait in the table." She said with her food tray in hand, heading off to a table in a corner. I nodded and waited for my food to be ready. When my name was called, I walked over and got my sandwhich and water.

I thanked the guy and made my way to meet Julia in the table. I set my food down and she asked me how'd it go in auditions today. I explained everything in detail, including my rant about how tired I was which made her laugh. We proceeded to talk about our days and soon enough, it got way deeper than we expected it to get.

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