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Bold and Italics mean it's a flashback!

Another day meant another show. But, little did I know, that it wasn't just another day, and it wasn't just another show.

Today was a day that would change my life forever and a memory that I will remember forever.

As I was preparing to sing Helpless, I stood behind the wings. After Lin, Leslie, and Anthony say their "hey, hey, hey, hey," I walk onstage and the light hits me.

"Ooohh, I do, I do, I do, I do," I begin singing and dancing with Renee and Jasmine. I walk to the other side of the stage, "Laughing at my sister as she's dazzling the room, then you walked in and my heart went boom." I think back to the first time Lin and I met.

I grab Renee and keep singing. I come back to the center of the stage while I make eye contact with Lin, "Suddenly, I'm helpless. Oh, look at those eyes."

The song keeps going and I sing, "Two weeks later in the living room, stressing. My father stone faced while you're asking for his blessing."

And as I sit on the bench from across the stage, I don't see the guy who plays my father in the play, I see my actual dad. My eyebrows furrow in total confusion but keep going, so I don't distract anyone from the audience.

"He shakes your hand and says 'be true', then you turn back to me, smiling and I'm-" I run towards Lin and I hug him, still singing.

After the part Lin sings, we part our own ways. Jasmine and Renee place a wedding tiara on my head while Anthony and Leslie talk with Lin.

When it's time for the wedding aisle part, Angelica walks with Anthony, Jasmine with Daveed, Oak is the flower girl, making us all laugh, and then I notice my dad standing next to me. Since we were still backstage, not walking out on the aisle yet, I ask him, "Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Shh," He says and leads me down the aisle, before planting a kiss to my forehead. Then, Lin comes towards me, and I'm confused because he's supposed to take out the ring and place it on my finger.

Suddenly, the music stops, and the whole theatre is silent. I see Lin pull out a black box from his pocket.

"What?" I whisper in confusion. I hear my favorite song in the world play softly in the background, "Perfect Duet" By Ed Sheeran.

"The moment you stepped into the audition room, I'd knew you'd be memorable. The moment we had our first conversation, I knew you'd stick around. The next day, when I invited you to come and watch the auditions with us, I knew I wanted you there.

Julia Harriman, you have given me the most fascinating eleven months of my life. You make me laugh and smile all the time, and that for me, is already enough. If I have nerves, you're there to calm them down. If I'm working on a writing prompt, you offer me that extra cup of coffee and stay with me, supporting me, until it's finished. If I'm ever feeling gloomy, which is almost impossible because I have you in my life, you help me get out of that feeling.

You make me want to look forward to better days. You teach me kindness, patience, growth, love, strength, all of these things and more everyday. Almost a year ago, I was up here with you. We were alone, remember? It was a long day of rehearsals, and we had just started to run through Act Two.

We walked over to the stage, and we sat down on the floor, our feet hanging from the stage. "Hey, why couldn't you kiss Jasmine?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. He took a deep breath, and he didn't answer for a good five seconds.

"Because..." He silently spoke up. "She's not you," He said and my head turned to look at him. I grab his hands, and he looks up at my face.

"I like you, Julia. I've known since the second you walked into the audition room. I've known since our first conversation. I just, I was too-"

"Scared." I finished his sentence.

"Exactly, too scared."

"You don't need to be, because I like you as well." I admitted with a small smile.
*End of Flashback*

"Long story or short, we ended up at the center of this same theatre, where we are standing at right now.

"You do?" He whispered.

"Hell yes," I said and we both laughed at my choice of words. He stood up, and grabbed my hands, helping me up. "In that case..." He trailed off.

"Julia, I want to be your boyfriend. I want you. I want your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything. I just want you!" He dramatically shouted and I covered my mouth while laughing. "So, would you be mine?" He asked. I frantically nodded without a doubt in my mind.

"Yes!" I shouted, and he lifted me up and spun me around. And finally, I got to kiss his lips in real life, and not just in the musical.
*End of Flashback*

"Remember what I told you? That I wanted your flaws, mistakes, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, smiles, everything? I still do. The only difference from then and now, is that then, I asked you to be my girlfriend. Now, I'm asking you to marry me." He continues, "So, Julia Harriman, will you marry me?" and the moment he bends down on one knee, I completely lose it.

With tears rolling down my cheeks like crazy, I nod frantically, "Yes, yes, yes, absolutely yes!" As my hands continue to shake, he opens the box and places the ring on my finger. He stands up and I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, engulfing him in a kiss.

My now, fiancé, grabs a hold of my hands, looking into my eyes. "I swear to God, you'll never feel so helpless. I love you, Julia.

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