Chapter Nineteen: After Party

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The cast and I take our final bows and I feel my face get wet. I was literally drenched in tears. I grab Julia's hand and we all walk backstage, laughing, cheering and clapping.

"Opening night done!" Oak shouted, "Yeah!" We shouted back. We all gathered in the lounge once more before the party. We opened a bottle of champagne and it almost hit Daveed in the eye, causing us to laugh hysterically.

"A toast to Lin!" The cast says in unison and I smile. I look at Julia who is standing next to me and she kisses my cheek. We all sit down and decide to give some short speeches.

"Alright, alright. I'll go first!" Renee said and we all chuckled. "If you insist!" Julia said.

"Lin, your work and passion amazes me everyday. Thank you for choosing us as your cast to represent this breathtaking musical. It's been an honor!" Renee says and we all applaud.

I give her a smile and I mouth "thank you,". We all say some nice things about tonight and drink champagne. At the end, we head off to our rooms to change into our party attire.

"I'll see you in a few," I kiss Julia's forehead before leaving to my dressing room. Oh my God, I was so lucky to have her in my life.

When I take a quick shower to freshen up and change into a suit, I walk out of my room. I wait for Julia in the lounge and make small talk with the guys. Suddenly, I hear the door click open and I look up from my phone.

"Jesus," I whisper, my jaw falling to the floor. Julia was wearing an outstanding burgundy maxi dress with some flower imprint. (A/N: Picture Above.)

Her brow hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, her curls cascaded down her exposed back. She walked towards me and I stood up, still in shock.

"You look amazing, Lin." She said, smiling.

"Me? Look at you! You're gorgeous!" I exclaim and she laughs. "Thank you," She blushes and I grab her hands. "Ready?" I ask her and she nods excitingly.

We go to the party and it was insane. There were people everywhere, the dance floor was full, the music was loud and the lights were dim. Julia spots what seems to be her family, and my palms get really sweaty.

"Hi, mom, dad!" She hugs them at the same time and then pulls away. "Ethan, come here!" She says, giving the guy a big hug. Is that her brother? I hope so.

"Guys, I want you to meet Lin. The creator of Hamilton himself who also happens to be my boyfriend." She chuckles and they gasp.

"You're dating Lin-Manuel?" Her mom says in shock and Lia laughs. "Yes." She nods proudly, grabbing my hand.

"Mom's a big fan of you," She says to me and I laugh. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, madam!" I say, giving her a kind hug. I also shake her dad and brother's hands while saying "It's so nice to meet you all."

"Oh, please! The pleasure is ours!" Her dad exclaims, making me chuckle. "We'll leave you guys to your partying!" Her mom says, politely excusing themselves. When they leave, I turn to face Julia.

"Your family is so cool!" I say and I make her smile. "You think? Hopefully we made a good impression," She chuckles nervously and I grab a hold of her chin softly. "Hey, I loved them." I said, comforting her nerves.

We headed off to the dance floor and it was safe to say that we had the greatest night of our lives. I finally spot my parents at a corner, and I walk over to them. I motion Julia to come with me as well and she does.

"Mom, Dad!" I exclaim, hugging them tightly. "Honey, we are so so so proud of you!" Mom squeezes me into an even bigger hug. "Can't breathe," I joke and she pulls away, laughing. I feel Julia walking behind me. I turn around and I grab her hand, and we lace our fingers together.

"Mom, dad, I introduce you to this beautiful girl which I call my girlfriend. Her name is Julia Harriman and she plays Eliza Hamilton as you saw in the play." I chuckled and Julia smiled.

"Hi! It's so nice to finally meet the parents of the amazing genius!" Julia says and I kiss her cheek.

"Nice to meet you too, darling. I am Luz and this is my husband, Luis." Mom says and Julia shakes both of their hands. We talk a little bit more about the show and soon enough, the after party ends.

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