Chapter Ten: Helpless

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The next day, I texted Lin to see if he was already on his way to the cafe so we could meet up. He replied almost instantly, confirming that he was almost there.

I pulled into the parking lot of the cafe, and checked my small amount of makeup to see if I looked better than yesterday. I mean, I had it all. I had the bags under my eyes, my face was pale, and my hair was a mess. Rehearsals really were draining, but they were also a dream come true, and I wouldn't change them for anything in this world.

I don't know why I felt so self conscious now that I was around Lin. I felt like I had to look my best at all times and I usually never really care about what people think of me or of my appearance, so why do I feel that way now?

I shake my head, ignoring my endless mind thoughts. I walk inside the cafe and instantly spot Lin at a table. He had already ordered for us, which was great since he knew what I wanted.

"Hi!" I chirped and he grinned. "Good morning," He said, standing up to give me a warm hug. I quickly wrapped my arms around his torso and hung onto him for a while. We pulled away and we sat down at a booth, facing each other.

"Thank you, you don't even know how hungry I was!" I said, digging into my breakfast. He attempted to laugh as he had a piece of toast stuffed in his mouth. "You're welcome. So, are you ready for today? We're going to be covering up until "Satisfied"." He asked.

"Oh, right, yes! I'm really excited for Helpless, it's one of my favorite songs. What's yours?" I questioned and he thought for a second.

"Wait for it," He responded and I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. "Why?" I asked him as he drank a sip of coffee.

"Because I don't have any lines in that one." He said, making me laugh.

"You're a smart one!" I said and he joined in my laughter. "And you're not wrong," He pretended to flip his imaginary long hair. I laughed at this and at his sarcastic cockiness.

After a delicious breakfast, we payed and headed back to the theater. Once we got there, we started right away. Lin and Thayne got through "Farmer Refuted" pretty quickly since it was a quick song and there wasn't choreography to it.

Jonathan's song, "You'll Be Back" was even quicker since he literally just stood in one place and sang, which was pretty funny. I feel like the longest one was definitely "Right Hand Man" since it's almost like a six minute song and a bunch of different things happen in it.

I got to sit in an audience chair and watched "Right Hand Man" be practiced and choreographed. Seeing Lin in character was amazing. I could stare at him for hours- I mean, I could stare at him rehearsing for hours.

After almost three hours, a ten minute break was called and we chilled around. When it was done, we were called back in to finish up with the last three songs.

"A Winter's Ball" was for sure one of my favorites just because I got to hear Lin say "Is it a question of if, Burr, or which one?" and hey, prove me wrong, but it's attractive when he says that. Wait, what am I even saying? Lin is just my work partner and friend. Nothing more.

"Moving on to Helpless!" Andy shouted and we all got in our places. As I was instructed, I started singing and the ensemble danced around me with their partners.

After that, I was told to grab Renee. "Grab my sister and whisper, yo this one's mine." She winks at me and makes her way across the room to Lin. They talk and I keep singing.

"Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm helpless, oh, look at those eyes." I sing, making intense eye contact with Lin. I feel some weird feelings in my stomach but push that thought away quickly, not wanting to get distracted in the middle of rehearsal.

Renee brings Lin to where I was and I introduce myself and he kisses my hand. Then, my sisters and I keep singing until Lin had to ask for my hand in marriage. When my father in the musical gives Lin his blessing, we all dance around in celebration.

Lin does his funny dance move, making us all laugh. Then, he grabs my hands and gives his speech. "Eliza, I don't have a dollar to my name," He begins and I smile at him.

When he reaches the part where he says "My love for you is never in doubt," Again, I get that weird feeling in my stomach. What is this?

"And long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to God you'll never feel so helpless." He spins me around and I laugh a genuine real laugh, not a fake one. I loved when he made that deep voice.

Andy stops the rehearsal there to explain what we were supposed to do for the rest of the song. "Alright, Lin. You're walking her down the aisle and you stop riiiight here. Then, you take out the box with the ring on it and slide it onto her finger." He pauses.

"You guys look at each other, and you, Julia," he says, pointing at me, "sing Helpless one last time before you lean in for a kiss."

A kiss?

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