Chapter Twenty-Five: White House Part Two

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"So, with that, let's get started. Enjoy the show." Obama finishes his speech and the audience claps. We all get onstage while the ensemble is evenly divided among on our other sides.

"How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore..." We begin with the opening song.

A few moments later, I look over at Julia who was standing beside me, singing her lines. She sang them flawlessly, as always.

Everything went smoothly, and soon enough, we were moving on to My Shot which was the one that worried me the most about my rapping. I made sure to practice everyday so I didn't fumble my words.

"And I am not throwing away my, not throwing away my shot!" We end the song and the applauds keep getting louder and louder. The people looked really into in and seemed that they enjoyed it.

We step offstage and let the girls take it for The Schuyler Sisters. Before Julia goes onstage, I quickly grab her waist and kiss her cheek and I leave her with a big grin on her face.

"There's nothing rich folks love more than going downtown and slumming it with the poor..." Leslie starts his part and the girls get really enthusiastic for the song. The whole performance I was really just staring at my beautiful girl. The rest didn't really matter to me.

They sing their last lines and hit their notes perfectly. When the song ends, we all stand up and clap. The show went really smooth and there was only one more song left, One Last Time.

I had a little part where I gave a speech in the song and I was a bit nervous but then again, if I got through My Shot then I could say this monologue perfectly, right?

Julia gets offstage and grabs my hands, squeezing them before wishing me good luck. I thank her and step onstage. I explain that this is a song dedicated to Obama since it was his last days in the office before starting to sing.

When we finished, Chris' vocals still left me in awe. I swear the man was unreal. The whole cast and ensemble got onstage and we took our bows. We got a standing ovation and then Obama shared a few more words.

After everything was done, the cast decided to go out to a special dinner to celebrate since it was almost six in the afternoon. When we got to the restaurant, we got a table that was big enough for all of us.

"A toast to Lin and to the show!" Tommy exclaimed and everyone cheered to that. It was a really nice evening, we ended up laughing a lot and bonding in many ways. When we headed back to hotel, the cast decided to meet up in someone's room to hang out and drink. We changed into some comfortable clothes and went into Daveed's room. Julia and I bought a bottle of champagne with us. I knocked the door on his room and soon enough, Daveed came into view.

"Surprise," I held the bottle of champagne up and he laughed. "My man!" He cheered as we all chuckled and walked inside. The rest of the cast was already here, so I guess we were kind of late. "Finally! What took you guys so long?" Anothony asked and we rolled our eyes jokingly.

"Oh, nothing, we just flew to Hawaii and came back real quick." Julia said sarcastically and I laughed at her comment. "Ha, ha, very funny." Anthony said and I glared at him playfully.

Most of us sat down on the floor, the rest were on the bed and some were on some chairs. We loved times like these where we could just be ourselves, you know? Just laughing and messing around.

An hour later, we ended up playing charades. Julia was up front and she was just standing there, trying to figure out what to do. "Oh, yes, I definitely get what you're supposed to be representing!" I said and she threw her head back laughing while covering her face.

"I suck at this game!" She protested, it was adorable. She decided to sit this one out and I laughed with her. The rest of the night was pretty much one for the books. After hanging and drinking a bit, we decided to head off to sleep since tomorrow we had a day off and we wanted to spend it well.

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