Chapter Forty-Five: First Day

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"Ah, yes! The beautiful streets of Mexico!" Lin shouted as we exited the airport. I chuckled while admiring this place's beautifulness. The weather was slightly warm, which was a good break from the cold of New York City. We hailed a cab and gave the driver the hotel's address.

"Thank you," The driver said while I gave him the money. We got out of the cab and grabbed our suitcases. "Wow," I mumbled, looking up the hotel which was basically a skyscraper.

"Even the hotels are a piece of art." Lin joked and I giggled. We entered the building and checked ourselves in. The lady kindly gave us both a key to the room and told us where to find it.

We thanked her and made our way towards the elevator, pressing the buttons and walking inside. When the elevator doors opened, we walked into the hallway and found our room quickly since it was close to the entrance.

"Okay, what's first on our list?" Lin asked as we put our bags down.

"Uhm, let's see." I quickly grabbed the tour guide book and took a look. "Alright, so it's two in the afternoon, so there aren't much tours open right now since they start early in the morning." I say, scanning through the pages.

"Well then how about we explore the hotel and the beach? We can go to bed early to wake up tomorrow for the tours." He suggested and my eyes lit up. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Lin-Man well well well always coming up with the greatest ideas." I joked and he started laughing.

We got changed into our bathing suits and grabbed our backpacks. "You ready?" Lin asked, taking my hand. "Yep, let's go!" I smiled and we got out of our room. "I still can't get used to the warm temperature of this place." Lin said as we made our way outside to the pool area.

"I know, right? I think I've never went to  a place where it wasn't cold." I said and he chuckled, "Never?" He questioned and I shook my head. "Not once,"

"That's gotta suck." Lin said and I giggled, "It actually did. But, now that we're here, I can finally experience not having a freezed ass." I said and he threw his arm over my shoulder, chuckling.

Before going to the pool, we decided to stop by the bar to order some drinks and food since we were starving. I had told Lin to let me pay for most of the trip expenses like the food and tours since he already payed our tickets.

Of course being the stubborn ass he was, he said no at first, but I managed to convince him. "I didn't know piña coladas tasted this good, holy shit!" I said and Lin chuckled, "When I bring you to Puerto Rico, you're gonna taste all of that island's wonderful food."

I grinned, "That sounds like a plan."

After eating a bit, we went to the pool. I took off my cover up, leaving me in my bathing suit. I went over to check how cold the water was and Lin went to get some chairs. "Is it cold?" He shouted and I dipped my foot into the water.

I instantly regret making that decision because now my foot was freezed, "Yes!" I laughed. I saw Lin running towards me and I furrowed my eyebrows, unaware of what he was doing.

"What ar-" I mumbled but before I could finish my sentence, he threw me on the freezing water. "Lin-Manuel Miranda!" I shouted when I reached the surface.

He was just clutching onto his stomach, laughing. "Shh! People will hear you're calling a top secret celebrity!" He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, please!" I chuckled and he offered his hand. "Are you sure you're not gonna tip me over? Again?" I smirked and he smiled. "I won't promise anything."

I took his hand and before I could stand up, I brought him down with me. When he went up, reaching for air, he splashed water all over me. "I hate you!" He said like a little kid and I was laughing at his cute reaction. "I love you too, babe." I kissed his lips and he smiled.

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