Chapter Twenty-Eight: Shopping

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One month later...


Renee, Jasmine, and I decided it'd be nice if we went out, just the three of us to shop. Well, mainly because we all needed to find the perfect Christmas gifts for our boyfriends.

We were currently walking around the mall, taking a look at every shop. We had no idea what to get them, I mean seriously buying a present for a guy is way harder than buying a present for a girl.

"Uhm, let's see. How about a watch?" Jasmine suggested that I'd buy Lin. I thought about it for a second, it was a good idea but I needed more than that.

"I like it, but it's our three month anniversary at the same time, so I kind of want to give him something more special, ya know?" I said and they both nodded. We kept bringing up gift ideas until one clicked in my head.

I gasped, I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of this sooner! It was a gift that Lin has been fan girling over since when we first met!

"I know the perfect gift now!" I said and I told the girls what it was. Luckily, the common store that sold the gift was in this mall, so we headed there and purchased it. It did cost me a bit, but it's all worth it when I get to see his beautiful smile.

Later that day, I got to my apartment and put all of my shopping bags down. Overall, I did some Christmas shopping for my friends, family, myself, and most importantly, Lin. Thank God I managed to get him the gift on time since Christmas was in two days.

Tomorrow, I was supposed to spend the night at Lin's so that we'd wake up to each other on Christmas morning. It was his idea, and it was pretty cute after all.

Then, I'd go visit my parents and spend the afternoon with them because I couldn't miss a Christmas without them. And finally, I'd go back to my apartment and change to join Lin and his family for a Christmas dinner. Pretty hectic, I know. But it's worth it, seeing both my boyfriend and my family.

When I go up to my bedroom, I receive a FaceTime call from none other than Lin. "Hi, love!" His face pops up, bringing a smile to my face.

"Hi, Lin! Guess what?" I tell him and he wiggled his eyebrows, making me laugh. "What?"

"I finally bought you your present!" I said and he dramatically held a hand up to his heart. "Oh, thank God, I didn't know what I'd do if you hadn't gotten it today!" He joked. "Oh shush!" I chuckled.

"Speaking of..." He trailed off. "I finished wrapping your present just now!" He said.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and in my defense, my wrapping paper skills were decent." He said, making me laugh even harder. We kept talking for another two hours until we both decided to end the call and get some rest for tomorrow.

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