Chapter Thirty-Seven: Beach

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"It's done!" I hear Daveed shout as we all finish the show and flop down in the lounge's couches. We chuckle a little bit and I close my eyes for a second. This week was tougher than all of the past weeks combined. We had all different kinds of shows, interviews, meetings, etc. But, it was finally Friday night, and we officially had the weekend free.

"Hey, how about we do something tomorrow to relax? All of us?" Leslie offered and we all nodded. "Wow, finally a good idea came out of that." Julia joked pointing towards his forehead and we all burst out laughing.

"Wow, Julia, you're so funny! Seriously have you ever thought of being a comedian?" Leslie said sarcastically.

"At least you laughed," She smirked and Renee started laughing, "Alright, enough you five year olds!" she said.

"Back to my idea, where do we go to anyway?" Leslie asked and we all thought for a moment.

"To the motherfucking beach!" Jonathan commented quickly and we laughed, agreeing with him. It was settled, we were all really pale from being inside the theater all day everyday.

"Okay, perfect. Let's say, eleven in the morning?" Julia asked and we all said yes. After planning it out last minute, we all went home, which was one of my favorite parts. I love sharing a place called home with the girl that I love. Our car ride back home, we were constantly laughing, since we were talking about our mishaps in rehearsals.

"Oh, I still can't believe you did that!" Julia said, holding onto her stomach from laughing too much while opening the door to our apartment. I laughed along with her as we got inside, "Me neither,".

"We're finally homeeeeeee!" I said, running to our room and jumping on our bed. I saw Julia shake her head while chuckling. We changed to our pajamas and got ready for bed.

The next morning, I woke up and noticed Lia wasn't by my side. I shrug, figuring she was in the living room. I stretch my arms and proceed to stand up, making my way to the living room to see my beautiful girlfriend in the couch.

"Good morning!" She chirped as she set her mug of coffee down on the table. "Morning, princess." I kissed her lips and we both smiled. "Do you want coffee?" She asked me as we walked to the kitchen. I responded with a quick "yes, please," and sat down on a stool.

We talked about today's beach plans as we ate breakfast and drank our coffee. When we were done it was around ten, so we started getting ready.

It took me like fifteen minutes to get ready, whereas it took Julia like half an hour. When she was done getting ready, we packed our bags and left the apartment.

The group chat said that we were all on our way to the beach we were supposed to meet up at. It was not that long of a car ride since we were pretty close to it.

A while later, we arrive. We see the whole cast members with their towels in hand and make our way over to them. We greet each other and grab some seats by the sand.

Julia and I decide to get in the water first and then tan. We walk over to the shore, hand in hand, and I decide to tease her. I grab her by the waist and before she even has time to react, I throw her over my shoulder.

"Lin! Put me down motherfucker!" She said and we both started laughing. "Hey, don't insult Luz like that!" I said jokingly, referring to my mom. "Oh, I would never, but you on the other hand," She said, still laughing. I ran to the water while she frantically told me to put her down.

"Oh, you want me to put you down?" I said, pretending I didn't hear her.

"Yes!" She chuckled.

"Alright." I said and set her down, only did she know that the water was freezing cold. When she came up for air she scolded me. "Lin, I hate you!" She said and I was dead ass laughing.

"I love you too, babe." I went in for a kiss but she didn't. "Oh, it's like that?" I smirked and she nodded, holding in a smile. I went in for another kiss and this time, she grinned while kissing me back.

We pulled away and messed around in the ocean for a while longer, until we went back to our beach chairs to tan. When we were all tanning besides each other, we noticed that Anthony was asleep on his back, and decided to prank him.

Jasmine started putting a bunch of sand on his back while we helped her. Then, Oak stood really close to his ear, and screamed, scaring him awake. 

"What?" He mumbled as he saw all the sand coming out of his back. We all cracked up, as if we were little kids. "Hilarious, guys!" He said sarcastically, although he was quite laughing as well.

After a long relaxing day at the beach, we decided to stay and watch the sunset. I decided to take Julia on a walk with me as we saw the sun go down. The sun cast its golden rays down with a beautiful mix of colors like pink, blue, and orange.

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