Chapter Thirty-Eight: New Girl

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"I have a big announcement to
make." Renee said as we had just finished our matinee for the day. I noticed she was in a more serious tone, so as each second passed, I was becoming more and more anxious.

We all sat down in the couches of the theatre lounge as she began stating her announcement. "I know it's really early for me to do this, and I hate this. I hate this because you guys are my family and I look forward to seeing you guys each and every single day." She began. What was she talking about?

"I am no longer going to be part of Hamilton, for now, at least." She declared and we all gasped quite silently. Lin grabbed my hand, giving it a soft squeeze, reassuring me that it was okay. I felt my eyes begin to water, I loved having Renee around, we had a really special bond.

"I got offered a role in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks for HBO and then another one in the new Netflix series Altered Carbon." She continued, we still remained silent.

"I already talked with Tommy and Alex. They said that if I wanted the role of Angelica back once I was done filming, I could. But for tonight's show and for a while, a new cast member will replace me. She's supposed to come in today, they told me she already knew her parts and what she was supposed to do."

After Renee finished, we all stood up and hugged her tightly. Jasmine and I, being the softies that we are, we let out a few tears. "I'm going to miss you so much, little one." Renee said to me and I chuckled through the tears, she always called me that since she was like a mom figure to us.

"I'm going to miss you even more! We'll see each other, right?" I asked, with hope shining in my eyes. "Of course we will, are you out of your mind?" She said, making us all laugh.

After talking some more, the rest of us had to get ready for the show tonight. Supposedly, the girl who was replacing Renee was already here, but I hadn't seen her yet.

Oh, well. Guess I'll see her onstage or afterwards.

Five minutes to showtime, Lin ran to me and I laughed at his little run. He kissed my lips and I grinned, "I love you, princess." He said and I responded, "*I love you more."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a tall girl standing on the wings, staring at Lin and I with a weird look on her face. I couldn't really determine which emotions her look held. I quickly look down at her outfit, and she was wearing the first costume for the show.

Was she the new Angelica?

I wondered, but then I shook it off. Lin and I did our pre-performance handshake, as always, and went to take our places in the wings.

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