Chapter Four: Conversations

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"Wow, seven years writing this show. It must be incredible, then. I can't wait to read the lyrics." I admit as Lin and I were talking about his writing process of Hamilton. This man was a pure genius.

"Me neither, I hope everyone loves the concept just as much as I loved creating it." He says and I raise my eyebrows. "Everyone will, I can assure you that." I say and he gives me a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Julia. Can I call you Lia?" He asks, making me laugh at his randomness. "Sure," I say.

"So, enough about me, what's your story?" He questions and I have no idea what to tell him. You know when someone says something like tell me about yourself and your brain says file not found well that's me right now.

"Uhm, let's see..." I try to think of something to tell him. "So, I began falling in love with singing and acting ever since I was a small kid. It was something that I grew up doing my whole life and I absolutely loved it. I even started writing some original songs when I would feel sad or left out. It was my coping mechanism, I would turn to it at all times. I also loved history class," I paused, and I could tell Lin was really interested in everything I had to say. It was nice to have someone to listen to you, apart from your family.

"So when I found out a musical about one of our founding fathers was going to starr on Broadway, I just had to try out, especially for the role of Elizabeth Schuyler. She was such an incredible woman. She was the definition of unconditional love for Alexander." I rant about how much I look up at Eliza Schuyler, a historical figure.

"I agree one hundred percent. Everything she did was for him, all of the sacrifices, everything. She stood by him at all costs, no matter what came her way." Lin says with his crossed arms resting on the table.

"You're right, but fuck Alexander he cheated on her!" I pout and Lin laughs. "Hey, can't argue about that. At first I was one to blame Maria, but then again he was the one who didn't deny." He says and I nod my head.

"I was the same way! Then it came to my mind that Alexander wasn't as wise as I thought." I say and he chuckles. "Probably not." He says.

"Well, it's been fun talking to you, Lin. I should probably head home." I say and he looks at his watch. "Yeah, it's getting late. I also need some rest because of tomorrow." He says while rolling his eyes dramatically and I giggle.

"I figured. You have a love/hate relationship with auditions." I say and he nods. "More or so like hate/hate." He says, making me chuckle.

We stand up and he leads me outside, where the sky was black and the lights were bright. Before saying our goodbyes, Lin asked for my number so we could keep in touch. I gladly said yes, and we exhanged phone numbers.

We weren't sure how to say goodbye, so we kind of just parted our own ways and waved. Weird, I know. That night, I walked home with a smile on my face.

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