Chapter Twenty-One: I Know How He Feels

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The next morning, Julia and I made our way to the theater, hand in hand of course. Alex had texted the whole cast that we had a big surprise waiting for us when we got there. Julia and I couldn't contain ourselves, we hated surprises. Sure, we loved them, but actually waiting for them sucked.

We got to the theater and waited for everyone to get here in the lounge. Julia and I were seated in the black couch, we were both on our phones and her head was laying on my shoulder.

A few minutes later, Renee walked in, alongside Anthony and Jazzy. We said our hello's and started talking about what we thought our surprise would be. Later on, most of the cast walked in and they joined in on our conversation. The only one missing was Daveed.

A while later, he walked in and he started naming really stupid surprise ideas which caused Julia to throw a pillow at his face, making us laugh. Tommy called us back onstage and we followed his orders.

He clapped his hands together when we were all on the stage. "Alright, I see you've all been waiting for the big news." He begins. "Some more than others," He jokes, looking at Daveed who walked side to side, impatiently. We rolled our eyes at him while laughing.

"The White House called me..." He trailed off and we all gasped, waiting for him to finish.

"They want us to perform a few songs there," He continued and we all practically screamed. Julia turned to me and I gave her the biggest hug. "Oh my God!" She squealed.

"I know we have two shows today so I don't want to keep you guys any longer, but I do want you guys to stay some extra time after the show tonight so we could discuss which songs to sing, other than our opening song." Andy said and we all nodded understandingly.

He dismissed us and we all went back to our dressing rooms to get ready for the matinee. After that show, I personally went to Tommy and Alex to thank them for everything.

"Hey, Lin." They said at the same time which caused me to laugh. "Hi, guys. I just wanted to take the time and properly thank you two." I said and they smiled.

"It should really be the other way around, but I'll take it." Alex laughed.

"Yeah, he's right. Thank you, Lin, for allowing us to do this. It's been an honor." Tommy added and I pulled them in a hug. I went back into the lounge, seeing Daveed, Anthony, and Leslie there. We still had an hour of break, so we decided to talk.

We were the only ones here, since the girls went off to lunch and Jonathan and Oak were going over their parts. "So, Lin." Leslie said and I looked up at him, waiting for what he was going to say next.

"You and Julia seem to be hitting it off really good," He said and I chuckled. "Yeah, she's perfect." I looked down at the floor, smiling.

"Aw, look at Lin, he's blushing!" Anthony said. "Our homeboy is whipped!" Daveed exclaimed and I threw a hairbrush at them. We all laughed at my random choice of weapon.

"That must be amazing, the fact that you get to be with her in real life and in the play." Leslie said and I chuckled. "The only difference is that in real life, I would never even think of cheating on her or hurting her in any type of way." I spoke truthfully before continuing.

"And the way Hamilton looks at Eliza at the end of That Would Be Enough and It's Quiet Uptown are exactly the same; total disbelief at his good fortune in being appreciated by his extraordinary woman...I know just how he feels." I admitted.

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