Chapter Forty-Eight: Booking Gigs

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"The man! What's up, Lin?" I hear Daveed say as he walks towards me. We were all greeting each other after the spring break week we had off. "Hey, Daveed! How was your vacation?" I asked him as I patted him in the back.

"It was great, actually! I got to visit the family and friends." He smiled and I chuckled. "Well, that's amazing."

"How was yours with Julia?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Man, you don't even know, like it was the best week of my life, we bonded so much more and I don't know, I just love her so much. I'm so lucky to have her in my life." I rambled on, I really loved this girl.

"Bro, you are so in love with this girl. Are you planning to, you know, put a ring on it in the future?" He chuckled. "I hope so. I want to." I said confidently. We were interrupted by Tommy, although, I was glad to see him again.

I can't believe my conversation with Daveed went from How was your break to When are you proposing to Julia?? I mean, I want to. I do. Just not right now.

"Welcome back everybody!" Andy shouted and we all clapped. Julia found her way back to me and we both smiled at each other, while lacing our fingers together.

"Well, there's no time to lose! Let's get back to our costumes!" Andy said and we all ran back to our dressing rooms. Let the show begin...

The lights go out and after taking the signature bow, we go backstage. "Wow, I had no idea of how much I missed that feeling!" Julia said as we walked back to the lounge.

"I was thinking the same thing! Sure, it gets kind of stressful for a few weeks but I'll never get over that feeling that I get when I perform onstage."

"Yeah, I agree. It's like all of the stress just pays off." Julia smiled.

"Exactly," I kissed her cheek as we entered the lounge. "There are the love birds!" Renee exclaimed and suddenly, Julia flipped.

"Renee?! You came back!" She exclaimed, running past me to hug her. "Yes! The filming production has been moved to the summer, so I can stay and finish this year's show." She said, grinning.

"Did you know about this?!" Julia turned to me and I couldn't contain my smile, so I chuckled. "Yes!" I nodded my head.

"Wait, did you all know about this?" Now she asked the whole cast and they laughed, earning a lot of pretty much and yeah's.

"What? How did I not know anything?!" Julia groaned before continuing. "Anyway, thank God you're here, I missed you girl." She hugged Renee one more time.

"Oh, I missed you more, little one!" She grinned. We all decided to stick around a while and just talk in the lounge before parting our own ways. When it's time to leave, Julia and I get her car and go home.

As she's driving, I get a call from an unknown number. "Go ahead," She chuckles, signaling me to pick it up. I press the green button and hold it up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Lin-Manuel Miranda?" Someone on the other line says and my heart starts to race.

"Yes, this is he." I said confidently while Julia quickly glanced at me, but then returned her gaze to the road ahead of her.

"This is David and I am calling to let you know that the Saturday Night Live Monologue you will be presenting will be held this Saturday the 28th. Does that work for you?" The young man asked and I felt a smile creep up on my face.

"Yes, that's perfect! Is there anything else I need to know?" I ask through the phone.

"You'll need to get here at five in the afternoon for hair, makeup, and the attire. That's it, I'm sure your rap will be astonishing as always!" He says and I chuckle.

"Well thank you very much, it's a pleasure." I say.

"No, thank you, sir. I'll see you this Saturday, have a good night." He says kindly.

"Thank you, you too." I say and end the call.

"Who was that?" Julia asks curiously and I smirk, saying nothing.

"Well, tell me!" She says, growing impatient.

"I'm performing on SNL this Saturday!" I say excitingly.

"Yes! You officially booked it, I am so happy for you!" She grins, making me smile.

"Thank you. I love you, Julia." I say, carefully reaching over to kiss her cheek.

"I love you too, Lin."

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