Chapter Twenty-Six: Vacation

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The next morning, Lin and I were up early and ready to start our day off. We decided to wake up around eight in the morning so we didn't waste any second of the day. After we had a quick buffet breakfast in the hotel, we decided to take a taxi and make our first stop at the National Mall.

"Woah," I whispered quietly as the taxi pulled up to the sidewalk to drop us off. Lin squeezed my hand and gave me a smile. "You like it?" He asked and I nodded immediately.

Washington was such a beautiful and calm place, its nature was gorgeous. Lin insisted on paying the taxi driver. We thanked him and got out of the car. I stood there for a second, admiring the beauty of this place.

Everytime we stood by a historical statue or monument, Lin explained the statue represented thoroughly. I loved listening to him, especially about history. I could never understand how smart Lin was.

After we walked around and took some cheesy but adorable pictures, we decided to walk through the spacious grass that was in front of the mall. There were little to no people here, so it felt like the space was made for us.

"Hey, babe?" Lin looked up at me and I smiled slightly. "Mhm?"

"What are you doing for Christmas?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I honestly don't know. Probably visit my family, the usual. What did you have inside that pretty little head of yours?" I ask and he chuckles, shaking his head as we kept walking with our fingers laced together.

"I wanted to spend our first Christmas together by your side. Maybe we could visit my family on Christmas and then your family on New Years, or vice versa." He suggested, raising one eyebrow up and turning to face me. My eyes lit up at the idea, I loved it. "Yes, sounds like a good plan!"

"Alright, well there's still a month left but I'll ask my family. I'm sure they'll love having you around!" He said and I giggled. "I hope so, they're amazing people."

"And so are you, my love." Lin stopped walking and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him before giving me a passionate kiss. I smiled against him, feeling so fortunate to have found someone like him.

We spent the rest of the day going to museums, walking, joking and having the best time of our lives. It was already evening so we decided to go and grab some early dinner before going back to the hotel.

We ended up going to a really casual but nice diner. The food was delicious and we had also split a chocolate milkshake which was to die for. We took a taxi back to our hotel and when we got there, Lin suggested we'd change and hit the jacuzzy tubs and I thought it was a great idea.

When we got to the pool area, we noticed the sky was almost black, it looked like it was one am bug really it was about nine. No one was around the pool area, just one staff member that handled the towels.

We enter the tub and I'm thankful for the warmness of it because it was slightly cold outside, especially during night time. We stayed there, talking about every little thing that came to our minds.

That's the thing about conversating with Lin, he could make any topic seem like the most interesting thing in the world and he could talk for hours about it.

At the end, we started cracking really bad dumb jokes, seeing who could go without laughing. Lin went first.

"Why should you never fight a dinosaur?" He asks and I can already feel a smile creeping on my face. I bite my lip, holding in a chuckle.

"Why?" I ask in a serious tone.

"You'll get jurasskicked." He says with a straight face and I nod, still not laughing. It was my turn, so I try to think of a good one to get him laughing.

"Two peanuts were walking down the street. One was a salted..." I say and after three seconds, he bursts out laughing which makes me laugh.

"I can't believe you laughed at that!" I said and he raised both of his eyebrows. "How couldn't I?! That shit was funny," He said in between fits of laughter.

"Okay, Miranda, what are you, five?" I rolled my eyes, followed by a smile. He grabs my hands and gives me a kiss on the nose. "As a matter of fact, yes, yes I am." He said. "I might have figured that out already." I chuckled.

After a long day of jokes and talks, we go back to our room and pack our suitcases since we were leaving tomorrow. It was now like eleven and we went to bed, cuddled by each other's sides.

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