Chapter Thirty-Two: Three Words

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It was now the 29th, and the cast wanted to go to a bar to have some drinks tonight. I was currently getting ready with Lin. We were both in the bathroom and I was doing my makeup and he was styling his soft brown hair.

"You look incredibly sexy," He wraps his arms around my waist from behind me and I chuckle. "And you, my friend, look incredibly handsome." I say and he turns around to face me.

"Did you just friendzone me?" He asks sarcastically, jumping up to sit on the bathroom counter while staring at me doing my makeup.

"Maybe I did," I laugh while I put my mascara on. When we were ready, we ordered an uber because we were probably going to end up drunk and went to the bar.

Once we got there, we met up with Anthony, Jazzy, Daveed, Oak, Renee, Groffsauce, Leslie and Chris. I chose to only have one light drink since I didn't really like drinks in general.

Lin on the other hand, did shots with the guys. Let's just say he needed drinking due to all of his stress from work. I can't blame the guy, he's non-stop. Up until now, the night is great. We're all chatting, drinking, and dancing.

At the end of the night, we danced a lot, which made my feet hurt like hell. These heels were killing me since I usually never wear heels in the first place.

After a few hours later, we decided to leave the bar. Around twenty minutes later, Lin and I get to my apartment. The whole uber ride home, he kept telling me stupid jokes which made me laugh.

When we walk inside my apartment, we walk to the kitchen and I tell Lin to drink an entire glass of water. After that, we go to my bedroom and I help him change into some sweatpants and a shirt. He gets in the bed and I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"Goodnight, babe." I whisper and then leave to change into my own comfortable clothes. After changing and brushing my teeth, I walk over to the bed and get in it with him.

When I throw the comforter over my skin, he wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my chest.

"Thank you." He says in a raspy voive.

"For what?" I ask him while I run my fingers through his hair.

"Not just for tonight, but for everything. No one else would have taken me here, help me get inside and sober up, helping me undress and get to bed." He said as his every word became less and less audible. His eyes are closed, he's pretty much about to fall asleep in a matter of seconds.

"You don't have to thank me, Lin." I tell him, really meaning it. He doesn't say anything for a moment, so I think he fell asleep, but I'm wrong. A few seconds later, I hear his voice again, this time, it was barely audible.

"I love you, Julia." Lin whispers.

My fingers stop moving in his hair and suddenly, I don't know how to act. A few seconds later, I hear him snore so I know he fell asleep.

Did he really just say that he loved me? Did he mean it? Most importantly, did I love him? I loved our conversations, I loved his hugs, I love how his eyes wrinkled when he smiled really big, I love his laugh, I love his flaws, but do I love him?

One thing was certain, I wanted to spend the rest of my days with him. I feel like my day is not complete if I don't talk with him for at least five minutes. I feel happier when I'm by his side. He's become my bestfriend. I feel safe in his arms. And to me, that's love.

When I was little, I had millions of questions about this, but now, I understand it. I know what it's like to love someone. Now, I'm conscious of it.

I look down at Lin, who is peacefully sleeping. Looking at him like this, I know the answer to at least one of my questions.

"And I love you, Lin."

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