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It was winter time. Snow was lightly falling from the sky  and for once was settling onto the ground, resulting in endless fun for the neighborhood kids. There was a thin sheet of the snow seeming to cover all the eye could see. The sky was cloudy but without the slightest chance of rain falling to ruin the joy or inconvenience for adults just trying to get to work. 

Aunt May beamed as she entered Peters room early in the morning to wake him for school and open the curtains to marvel at the beautiful sight. It had been years since it had snowed like this and the small girl inside of her was itching to get outside.

"Morning Peter! You should see the streets, it was snowing all night!" She grinned and stopped by his bed to shake him slightly "Peter?"

She was starting to panic. He hadn't stirred and he was an extremely light sleeper. She shook him harder but still his eyes stayed shut as if they were sealed with a type of glue. It was then May noticed how cold he was to the touch and that his pulse was almost nonexistent. She stumbled out of the room to the phone and quickly dialed Tony's number, hoping to get the real thing and not the answering machine. By the time he picked up she was sobbing from fear and just about managed to alert him that Peter was almost dead.

Tony had been waking up around the time of the call (a huge feat for him since it was seven thirty in the morning) and normally it would take a few cups of coffee to get him moving. Strangely enough hearing that the kid he had shared custody of was half-dead woke him up completely.

He got to the apartment as quick as his car could go without breaking more than thirty laws with Bruce in the backseat. When they got there they rushed up the stairs, ignoring the shocked neighbors stuttering to the celebrities, and barged into the small apartment. May was on the sofa, shaking and crying uncontrollably. 

Tony stayed to comfort her while Bruce took his medical bag with him into Peters bedroom in a hurry. Peter's pulse was worryingly slow, his body temperature was similar to a dead body and he was unresponsive to all attempts to wake him.

Bruce called Tony in to carry Peter to the car, guided May into the front seat and high tailed it back to the compound where they hooked the kid up to multiple machines. Bruce couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, neither could any other doctor or scientist he called in on favors to try and save Peter.


It had been an entire week since Peter had been in the strange coma like state and Bruce was at his wits end. There was nothing he could find that could possibly suggest the reason to why this was happening and he was worried that he Peter might never wake up.

May had been staying at the compound for the last few days and had been given the room next to his. However, she rarely left Peters side and often fell asleep in the chair next to his bed when she wasn't in tears. She couldn't bare to lose her remaining family, Peter was all she had left. 

Ned visited once every other day after school to talk to his friend (Bruce was almost sure Peter could listen in his state) about whatever had happened that day. He would occasionally bring Michelle with him and she'd either work on her sketches in his company or tell him all about Flash's latest fail at mocking them. She seemed very apt at protecting her reputation and must spend hours each day thinking up new insults.

The two looked after May when they were there. If she was sleeping when they arrived they'd drape the spare blanket around her and ask FRIDAY to make her a hot chocolate when she would wake up. If she was crying they'd comfort her and share hilarious stories about Peter from school or play card games.

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